John 11:38-44 – He’s Not Dead

Read John 11:38-44

If you haven’t read the last two reflections, you might want to do so to get the full impact of this text. We have seen Martha, Mary, and even Jesus grief-stricken at the death of their brother and friend, Lazarus. However, even before he died, Jesus knew this moment would come. God was going to be glorified. The people should finally believe that he had been sent by God. Jesus called on God by saying, “Father.” There should be no doubt.

Details. Martha was worried about the stench. Yes, we know that the smell of death and decay is not at all pleasant, but Jesus was looking at the big picture. He wanted them to have faith in what he could do. He was about to bring a man back to life calling on the power from God above. The smell would dissipate and because Lazarus would no longer be dead the wretched smell would soon be gone.

The awe on the faces of those gathered must have been quite something. I’m still a little troubled about why Jesus was “still angry.” Jesus is not in the business of sugar-coating his message. Here we see him all but snap at Martha. “Didn’t I tell you…” If Jesus were to take that kind of a tone with me, I’d be paying attention. I might even be a little angry at him for treating me like that. When, in reality, I should be looking at my own heart and motivation. If Jesus tells me something, I need to listen and obey.

What does this story say to you? Does it challenge your picture of Jesus? Does it affirm the power of God you know is present and available to us if we believe and call on His name? Take a moment to spend some time with those questions.

Lazarus was brought back from the dead. But he will die again. His first death was a momentous occasion that will be remembered for ages to come. It’s the last “sign” that we’ll see Jesus do in the gospel of John. It’s a climax.  Imagine Lazaurus’ surprise. He has another chance at life here on earth.

Imagine being given a second chance at life. We shouldn’t have to have a resurrection experience to realize how precious each moment is. We should live each day as if it were our last. There are so many rich experiences to be had. There are so many lives we can touch giving hope of a future. Don’t take your life for granted.

Ask: How can I give God the glory today?

Let’s pray. Father God, I thank you for how you protect me each day. I want to live my life in such a way that people see me and want what I’ve got. I’ve got you, God. You are what sustains me and moves me forward. I look to you for your guidance. May I never take your blessings for granted. Use me today to be your light in this world. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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