I don’t mean to belabor the point here about Israel’s disrespect for God. However, Jeremiah is clearly establishing God’s serious conviction about religious loyalty. It’s something we really need to hear, too. What messages are you taking away from Jeremiah’s words?
We see that because of Israel’s betrayal, reconciliation God is not possible. It’s too late. The Israelites fate has been set. Jeremiah is simply giving them a glimpse into why their future is doomed. It seems the time to repent and return to God has expired.
Do we get lackadaisical while on our own faith journey and take God for granted? Perhaps we know God is there, and we even acknowledge him with our prayers and time of praise, but do we then just continue to go our own way doing as we please? If we truly connect with God, should we not seek to align our lives with his will?
I can think of times in my life when I’ve all but turned my back on God. I knew he was there, but I ignored him. Isn’t that a bit like the Israelites?
Knowing that God loved me so much that he sent his son Jesus to rescue me gets me through each day. That truth is something the Israelites didn’t have to cling to. The price Jesus paid for us is so precious. People still mess it up today, but the solution is available for all. Jesus.
I know that for me in the season of life I’m in, I find myself all in for God. I have gotten exceptional at saying no and limiting the distractions keeping me from spending quality time with God. The peace and contentment I experience amidst chaos and uncertainty of life is a difference I don’t want to ever live without again. God’s peace.
On a scale of 1-10, where do you place yourself in terms of your relationship with God? Do you need to “spice things up” a bit and be more intentional about building this bond?

Let’s pray … Lord, I am humbled by how you love your people and lament our betrayal. Forgive me for my times of being distracted by the world and its foolishness. Thank you for the peace and joy that you have placed in my heart. I welcome and receive your presence anew each day. Help me to draw closer to you and help others do the same. In Jesus’ name. Amen.