Have you ever cried out to the Lord, “Why?” I’m sure we’ve all had those moments that we just can’t make sense of. What are feeling in that moment? Lost. Unsure. Alone. Confused. Empty. Powerless. The list could go on and on. We feel out of control. It’s in those times that we need to call on God’s holy power.
Think of the Israelites stripped from their homeland living in exile in Babylon. It was no walk in the park for them. Generations earlier their ancestors had been slaves in Egypt. Why would God let his people go through times of struggle? The same can be said for what is happening to us in 2020 with the pandemic. I haven’t talked to one person who hasn’t had to make sacrifices and adjustments in their life. It’s a global crisis that is affecting so many people in different ways. How are we feeling?
This passage can speak peace and comfort into our hearts, too, if we let it. Here are some words to encourage us with God’s holy power. “Clothe yourself with strength.” “Rise up from the dust.” God doesn’t want us to stay stuck in our troubles. He offers us victory over our oppressors. “But I will reveal my name to my people, and they will come to know its power. Then at last they will recognize that I am the one who speaks to them.”
Do you recognize the voice of God? I know I need to do a better job at listening. Just as the Israelites are promised deliverance, we, too, can have an eternal destiny with God. This promise has been especially helpful for me when navigating through the tough days. With so many doomsday messages surrounding us, I just smile. I know how the story ends. I know where I end up. I know that God’s holy power will not leave me behind. It is God’s holy power that fuels me, inspires me, and carries me when I’m not feeling energetic.
I really appreciate the image of protection that this passage evokes in me. “For the Lord will go ahead of you; yes, the God of Israel will protect you from behind.” The Israelites weren’t sure about returning to Jerusalem. They certainly weren’t fans of being in exile, yet the fear of the unknown must have been great. God wasn’t going to free them and then just let them figure it out on their own. He wanted them to know he had their backs and would also light the path before them. I’m going to cling to that promise, too.
Take some time today to examine your feelings in this moment. Are you needing to plug into God’s holy power?

Let’s pray … Lord, I am feeling a bit stuck in a holding pattern right now. I can see so many opportunities just right around the corner. Give me your eyes to see if those are for me or if I should turn the other direction. Still my heart so that I can hear your voice clearly. Help me to connect with you on a deeper level and sense your power surging through me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.