God’s timing is always perfect. We need to keep that in mind when we are feeling unsure and lost. Imagine God is saying this to you right now, “At just the right time, I will…” (you fill in the blank for what you are asking God to provide. God knows what timing is perfect, we don’t. We can’t see the big picture, but God can.
God knew what he was going to do long before he did it. He was waiting for “just the right time.” We tend to get impatient. Sometimes no action is the answer. God knows it’s not in our best interest to have that thing we asked for. We have to be okay with that and thank him for taking good care of us. It comes back again to not taking God for granted. He never forgets about us, we shouldn’t forget to include him in our lives and plans.
The people living in exile had begun to think God had left them. They couldn’t see a way out, so of course there wasn’t one. Yet God promises this, “They will neither hunger nor thirst. The searing sun will not reach them anymore. For the Lord in his mercy will lead them; he will lead them beside cool waters. And I will make my mountains into level paths for them. The highways will be raised above the valleys.” Just like that! God’s mercy is available to all!
How often do we feel trapped in our lives in one way or another? Maybe it’s in a job we don’t like or dealing with unreasonable neighbors, or losing a job and having a dwindling bank account. When the way seems the most drear, God can shine his light on our path. Ask him to reveal himself and his plan to you.
When you finally have that a-ha moment, or a “yes God!” moment, it can change your life. How do you respond to God? I’ve failed miserably in the past at giving God the acknowledgment. Our text today suggests we should “Sing for joy, O heavens! Rejoice, O earth! Burst into song, O mountains! For the Lord has comforted his people and will have compassion on them in their suffering.”
We may see the good things happening around us, and we may even acknowledge God, but what happens when old patterns return? We, like the Israelites, might begin to feel abandoned again and feel like God isn’t listening. When will God forget us? “Never!”
God would prove to the world that he was God by doing the impossible. “But the Lord says, “The captives of warriors will be released, and the plunder of tyrants will be retrieved. For I will fight those who fight you, and I will save your children.” You’ve probably known someone who has been touched by a miracle that could only be God. Perhaps you’ve experienced it yourself firsthand.
Look around at the beauty of creation. That is certainly the best ongoing example we have that shows us how much God loves us and provides for us. Take it all in. Be amazed by the intricacy of this planet that surrounds you.

Let’s pray… Lord, I come to you humbled that you would love me so much. Help me be patient to wait for your perfect timing. I know that you will never forget me. May I do a better job of including you in all my plans. In Jesus’ name. Amen.