“The Lord works in mysterious ways.” Have you ever uttered these words? I didn’t realize I was quoting Scripture when I did! It’s true that God does many amazing things every day. I just love it when I discover just one more truth as it is revealed in God’s word. It’s not that we haven’t heard some of these things before. We have. But when you read a passage you’ve read before and it speaks to you differently than it did the last time, that’s like an “a-ha moment!”
When we actually think about what God has done for us, and it dawns on us how he has been doing this for others for a long time, it’s just mind-boggling. How can we not want to boast in the Lord?
We read here in Isaiah about salvation. “But the Lord will save the people of Israel with eternal salvation. Throughout everlasting ages, they will never again be humiliated and disgraced.” Eternal salvation was to begin with the Israelites through Jesus. But God’s plans were not exclusive. On the contrary. God says, “Let all the world look to me for salvation! For I am God; there is no other.” All the world is inclusive of everyone!
When the people first heard these words, they were probably focused on what was happening in their lives. We can get caught up in our busyness, too. But they were in Babylon, about to witness a foreign king bring the destruction needed so they could return to their homeland. God’s promises are public, and we know they were fulfilled. We never have to be uncertain of God because he is true to his word. “For there is no other God but me, a righteous God and Savior. There is none but me.”
Here are some familiar words. “Every knee will bend to me, and every tongue will declare allegiance to me.” God is longing for the day when this will be true. This verse is quoted in Romans 14:11. Philippians 2:10-11 applies these words to Jesus and reads, “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
God is also our Savior. It just makes sense that God would start dropping clues about our salvation. Sometimes we think that the Israelites have the inside track because they are the “chosen ones.” But God is making it abundantly clear that his salvation is for all who turn to him. Israel was the means by which the whole world would know Jesus’ saving power. Jesus fulfilled Israel’s role of servant and now gives everyone access to God the Father. It’s such a beautiful plan. All plans have a point of origin. Our salvation story began at creation.
What does it sound like to boast on God? Something like this. “The people will declare, “The Lord is the source of all my righteousness and strength.” How will you respond to this message today?

Let’s pray … Lord, I give you thanks for how your word speaks to me every day. Help me to shut out the troubles of the world and be totally absorbed into the promises of your truth. May my life be a testimony to your grace and blessing. In Jesus’ name. Amen.