What do we learn about Ethiopians here? That they are a tall, soft-skinned people feared for their conquests and destruction. Apparently, they were going to get in the mix and be destroyed by Assyria as well. This warning was for them as they were setting up alliances to be ready for an Assyrian attack.
But the Lord’s message is: “Even before you begin your attack, while your plans are ripening like grapes, the Lord will cut off your new growth with pruning shears. He will snip off and discard your spreading branches. Your mighty army will be left dead in the fields for the mountain vultures and wild animals.” It doesn’t appear that Ethiopia is even going to get to play in this battle. They are going to be shut down before the “games” begin.
One might wonder why God would even care what happened to this region and people. But God is orchestrating what is to happen to his people in Israel, and he is raising up the Assyrians to do the dirty deed. Because God can see all the moving pieces, he would also be strategizing to destroy those who could get in the way of an Assyrian victory. It’s like playing a strategy game, being able to see every angle, predict every move, and be one step ahead. Through these oracles, we are seeing how God is thinking through each step of the process. What happens to Israel is not going to be by chance. It is calculated and efficient.
What does this say to us today? These battles have long since been fought. We know the outcome. We might say these prophecies speak of God’s integrity to follow through with what he says he’s going to do. He has laid out his plans; they are not a secret. When we recognize those patterns and see them as God’s plan for righteousness, it makes it easier for us to put trust in God’s promises to us.
As I write this, we are living in a history-making time living through a world-wide pandemic. I’m sure none of us are thrilled by what is happening. Some may be crying out to God asking, “WHY, God?! Why are you allowing such a horrible thing to happen?” We may never know why, but we can be sure that our sorrow will only last for a night. There will be new hope springing from this.
We are not immune to tragedy and struggle in this life. But God has promised us he will never leave us. We also have the amazing hope of our salvation! Jesus promised he would return, and people have been looking forward to that day since he promised it. When we focus on what is good rather than on what is bad and troubling, we can’t help but feel the peace of God.
If you are feeling a bit stuck in the muck, focus on these verses today from Philippians 4:4-7, “Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon. Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

Let’s pray … Lord, I am utterly amazed when I think about how everything you touch is done with such purpose and control. Forgive my limited brain for ever doubting you or what you are allowing in this world. You know what’s best for us. Your plans are so much bigger than I can imagine. May I give you the gratitude you deserve and accept the grace you so freely give. In Jesus’ name. Amen.