Read Hebrews 5:11-6:12
These Christians had so much to learn, even though they had “been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others.” However, it seems they were stuck in the basics. They knew what it meant to be Jews, but to be followers of Christ changed their faith journey dramatically. Here we see the Preacher rebuking them. “You are like babies who need milk and cannot eat solid food.” It was time for them to stop being lazy Christians, and the Preacher uses a bit of “shock and awe” in this reading.
When people first come to faith in Jesus, we need to be careful not to overwhelm them with knowledge they aren’t ready for. Just like you wouldn’t give a newborn a piece of steak. However, the Preacher warns that it’s too easy to stay with “milk” and not move on to a deeper faith and understanding of what it means to be a Christ follower. I’ve seen many churches struggle with this very thing, and as a result, the congregation never goes deeper than the what the “newbies” can handle.
Thankfully, God’s word gives us all the instruction we need. God reveals himself to us through his Word, and we can all get to know him in this way. Unfortunately, there are still people who aren’t reading their Bible regularly or connecting with other Christians for support.
When we spend time in God’s word, then are we grounded in the truth. The more you read, the more you yearn for more! It’s that “solid food” the Preacher is talking about. We understand the basics but are ready to dive deeper.
Although a review is never a bad thing. I had that very experience recently while reading through some of the prophetic books in the Old Testament. Those basic faith lessons were right there showing us the critical importance of repentance and devotion to God.
You don’t know it all, and neither do I! But when we spend time with God, seeking to be more like Jesus, God will reveal himself to us bit by bit. We need to be ready to trust, obey, and follow God on this adventure of life.
But what about those who have drifted away? The Preacher would suggest “it is impossible to bring such people back to repentance; by rejecting the Son of God, they themselves are nailing him to the cross once again and holding him up to public shame.” We’ve all known people who have rejected God and turned their back on the church. Perhaps they cite a relationship meltdown, difficulty with unanswered questions, or feeling the expectations of the church were too limiting. I can almost hear the Preacher saying to them the real problem was they had never met Jesus. How could you walk away from a love like that?
God cherishes each one of us. I can’t imagine he would turn his back on any child if the repentant heart was true. But if we stay lukewarm in our faith, that is, don’t move on to the “solid food,” we are going to miss out. A future without hope of salvation sounds drear. Thankfully, the Preacher doesn’t leave us in that lonely place. We are meant for better things, wouldn’t you agree?
“For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other believers, as you still do.” Even those who have fallen away and become spiritually dull or indifferent can still be recognized by God. The key is spiritual growth. How are you growing in your faith? Are you spending time regularly in God’s word?
Have you welcomed Jesus into your life asking him to guide you? Are you ready to “inherit God’s promises because of [your] faith and endurance”?

Let’s pray. Lord, I am searching for your path for me. I want to follow you. Thank you for your Word and all the promises you declare for us. Use me to help others find you and cherish your word like I do. Give me your eyes to see those who need your touch. Prepare them to receive your truth. In Jesus’ name. Amen.