Genesis 45:16-28 – Happy Day!

Read Genesis 45:16-28

Word travels fast, and soon Pharaoh was involved with the reunion. Because Joseph had been such a blessing to him and his people, Pharaoh wanted to give back. He wanted for all of Joseph’s family to move to Egypt and be given only the finest things. It was Joseph’s families’ turn to be blessed.

I’ve always tried to imagine how Jacob must have felt. When he saw Joseph’s tattered coat, and no sign of Joseph for all these years, he had to assume Joseph was lost forever.  To hear that Joseph was alive and well must have seemed like a dream. A happy day to be sure when it started to sink in. A time to celebrate!

The provisions Pharaoh provided were a little over the top.  This made it easier for Jacob to accept the story his sons were telling him. Can’t you just feel the excitement, the butterflies fluttering about inside, as Jacob came to realize he would see his beloved son before he died.

We all have black sheep in our families. Joseph wasn’t a true “black sheep” because he didn’t go off on his own accord. He had a little help getting “lost.” When we lose touch with family members, no matter the reason or circumstance, when reunions happen, or black sheep return, it is a grand and glorious time.

Can you recall an occasion that caused you to be excited and full of anticipation? We can certainly all remember being children and the thrill at Christmastime as we waited for Christmas morning to arrive.

I recently watched some old movies with my dad. Do you remember the ones without sound? I know I’m dating myself. We recorded a lot of Christmas moments as kids. My first Christmas is all recorded. Watching myself and recalling those simpler times also refreshes my memory as to how it felt, smelled, and even tasted. Anticipation is sweet.

Take a moment now to reflect on a time that brought you joy, unexpected or otherwise.

Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for how you are working in my life. May I be open and receptive to the tasks you have for me to complete. I thank you for the joy that fills my heart despite trials and struggles. Help me to focus on your blessings and trust you to work out all things. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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