Genesis 20:1-18 – Didn’t He Learn His Lesson?

Read Genesis 20:1-18

This seems like a very familiar situation doesn’t it? Apparently, Abraham didn’t learn the first time they tried this. You will recall they were run out of town  in Chapter 12 when in  Egypt.  While they are half  brother and sister because they share the same father, they are also married. God is using this couple, and Abraham must have forgotten to trust God. Didn’t he know that God would look out for them?

Abraham also miscalculated the king’s integrity.  You wonder how Sarah felt about all of this. Thankfully, God was working in King Abimelech’s heart to keep him from sinning. Do you ever wonder how often God intercedes for us to keep us from doing the wrong thing when put in a bad situation? 

But the king was angry that he had been deceived. It apparently affected his whole family. Abimelech was more than generous to Abraham despite the “trick.” Abraham was falling into a destructive pattern of deceiving when he felt his life was in danger. Lies compound themselves, and become uglier and uglier. Abraham better be careful because he could get caught in this temptation to lie in other situations.

We face temptations every day. As I sit here, I know that I have a special treat in the kitchen that I bought at market. Yet, I am trying to save it and not give in to my temptation to eat it at this moment. It’s hard to be strong, but God does protect us from temptation when we ask. God will rescue us, too.

What temptations are you facing today? As I write this, we are nearing  Halloween. I remember buying candy to hand out that I didn’t like so I wouldn’t be tempted. Otherwise, the Almond Joys and the Butterfingers would all be gone before the little trick-or-treaters arrived. Yes, I know, I have an odd taste in candy bars! Really anything chocolate.

Remember 1 Corinthians 10:13: “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” God is faithful. We need to be faithful in return. We need to stay the course with our eyes focused on him.

Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for the reminder today that You are master. You watch out for us when we can’t see the wrong in our actions. You are interceding for us even when we don’t have a clue. Thank you for you protection and your provision. May I never take your grace and mercy for granted. It is precious. You are more precious than anything. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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