Ezra 6:13-18 – The Dedication

prayer with hand raised to sun's rays

Read Ezra 6:13-18

At last, the temple was completed. The people had successfully fulfilled God’s vision and command with the help of three Persian kings. What an amazing feat!

Can you imagine the emotions that were flowing amongst the Israelite people? I imagine a sense of relief mingled with exhaustion and anticipation for all the ministry that would take place. The people had finally rebuilt the place where God could reside among them. Over these years, the people had stayed focused on their mission and not let the distractions get them off course.

What goes through your mind when you read about all the livestock being sacrificed? Since I’ve never been part of an animal sacrifice like is prescribed in the law of Moses, it’s hard to even picture what happens. It would be like a huge barbeque, and the aroma of burning meat had to be pleasant. I’m getting hungry just thinking about it!

The people celebrated that their God was with them! Despite all of the delays, and the fact that this temple was not as grand as the one it replaced, the people were overjoyed! Can you identify with what a sense of accomplishment feels like when a big project is finally complete?

There were several things that jumped out for me. One was the exact date, March 12, 515 B.C. When you celebrate that date, you celebrate God’s victory and the people’s devotion to their God. Another was that the priests and Levites were ready to get to work. They didn’t recreate the wheel in figuring out who does what. They followed God’s word in the Book of Moses. That’s the best prescription for any new venture!

This reading talks about the temple’s dedication. There’s no reason we can’t personalize this a little and rededicate ourselves to God. We wouldn’t be where we are today with a loving Father protecting us and leading us. Even if we were disobedient and went our own way a time or two. God’s arms are always open for those who seek and love him.

Take some time today to think through what you might sacrifice for God. What is that thing in your life that doesn’t move you closer to God? Is it time to let it go? Refresh and renew your heart’s desire today, drawing closer to God.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray. Father, thank you for your grace and mercy. Thank you that I can come to you with anything and feel your peace. Thank you for all the rescues you’ve made of me over the years. Forgive me for my wayward choices. I delight in you now and look forward to how you are going to transform me into the person you desire for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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