Read Ezra 5:6-17
The saga of the temple’s construction continues. We met Tattenai, the provincial governor, in our last reading. Apparently, he is so troubled by seeing this temple rebuilt that he started interrogating the workers to find out who was in charge. After all, this is a building project he believes is under his jurisdiction, shouldn’t he be able to question it?
This governor seems to be more like an undercover spy looking for a scoop. He took the intel he received from the construction leaders and sent a letter to King Darius. I wonder what Tattenai is afraid of. Perhaps he’ll lose the favor of King Darius should there be a rebellion. Of course, it will take a while for Jerusalem to be rebuilt to its glory and power of the past.
What impressed me most was how clear the leaders were in their mission. If they were at all intimidated by Tattenai, the response they gave was factually on point. Their explanation didn’t leave out any details, even the returned gold and silver. When leadership embraces the vision of a project, success follows.
Tattenai must be secretly hoping that he catches these Israelites in a lie. What would the records of Cyrus’ rulings uncover? Surely, the Israelites were mistaken. Why would a Persian king let them go, sending them on their way with instructions to rebuild their temple? It didn’t make sense, did it?
They ways of God often don’t make sense to us. We can look at one example after another in Scripture where God moves. His ways are often unexpected. It’s hard to wrap our human minds around the ways of God. We simply cannot comprehend because God’s perfect plan is beyond our understanding. Romans 11:33 says, “Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his ways!”
Retrospectively, when we look back on our lives, we can often see how and where God was moving. The older I get, the more fingerprints of God I can see. My purpose becomes a lot clearer when I look for God and his desires for me. You should try it. Remember, the purpose God has in mind for you might be unexpected. For me, living in Mexico as a missionary was certainly not on my radar. But God knew.
If someone was spying into your life’s circumstances, what would they report back to the king? Are you living authentically, being the person God designed you to be? Or are you trying to fit in and conform to this world for popularity’s sake?

Let’s pray. Lord, give me clarity in how you’d like me to proceed today. Fill me anew with your Spirit. You are mighty and powerful, and I am in awe of you and all you have done. I love looking back over my life and seeing your fingerprints. I want to have the confidence and clarity those leaders had in knowing their purpose. Thank you for using me in the ways you do. May all I say and do be honoring to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.