Ezekiel 37:15-28 – Reunited

two little girls hugging with joy

Read Ezekiel 37:15-28

With all that is going on in the present-day geographical area of the land of Israel and Judah, Jacob’s inheritance, it’s hard to read this passage and wonder if the land and people will ever be united like this again? I’d sure like to think so. So many years and generations have passed.

There were days that fulfilled this prophecy when the captives started returning home to Jerusalem. When we read the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, we are reminded that, for the most part, the people were on board with wanting to know more about their God and very much interested in pleasing him. You’ll always have the “outliers” who were still drawn in to idolatrous behaviors, and even the rebuilding years weren’t perfect.

But the promised restoration Ezekiel’s message brings is right before we have a four-hundred-year gap between the Old and New Testaments. The last book may be Malachi, but chronologically, in terms of a dated timeline, what Ezekiel is speaking of will happen right before we have silence in Biblical texts.

Oh what hope this prophecy would bring to the people! It would have seemed incredulous to think God wanted to reunite his chosen people at last. Many years had passed when the “family” was torn apart. These words would surely create curiosity for what the future may hold.

Beyond words, God had Ezekiel use a prop of two pieces of wood. Any time you bring a visual into a teaching, the attentiveness goes up. There’s something about seeing a live example or lesson come to life before your eyes. Some may not have realized the deep family roots now promised to be restored. Other more devout children would be jumping for joy wondering, “when, when?”

Again, it would be great to see all of that restoration happen once again. However, it is more likely that our restoration will take place when we return home to our final destination with Jesus. That’s where we are promised so much.

Rather than speculate, look to God’s word. Paul preaches in Philippians 3:21, “He will take our weak mortal bodies and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same power with which he will bring everything under his control.” That’s a reunion I’m looking forward to these days. Maybe it’s because I’m a lot closer to my life expectancy date than even when I started writing my reflections. But promises like this tend to resonate with me a lot more.

Both David and I are blessed to each have one parent still alive in this season of our lives. Most of our friends can’t say the same thing anymore. We cherish each moment with them knowing they are even closer to seeing Jesus. But seeing God sounds good to us at any age. Like Paul so profoundly said in Philippians 1:21, “For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better.”

Take some time today to imagine what those pieces of wood are saying to you today. Thank God for each new revelation.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. LORD, what a promise you made in this moment. Of course, it would be your heart to want to reunite your wayward children. Their time of punishment would soon be over. Your character is so evident in this passage. Such strength, such love, such forgiveness and grace. Thank you for loving me and wanting to be united with me. I want to know you more. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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