Ezekiel 17:1-24 – A Riddle from God

eagle soaring against a sunrise, using sepia effect

Read Ezekiel 17:1-24

This reading contains a riddle combined with a parable. Without reading the explanation, I imagined a totally different meaning. So let’s reflect on the riddle and explanation together. Most of us like a good puzzle, but we all should take heed to the LORD’s message.

The Sovereign LORD wanted Israel to understand what was happening and uses this creative approach. The manner in which plants and animals interact as if they are human is entertaining and attention grabbing to be sure. The parable describes the events between when King Jehoiachin was taken into exile (597 BC), and the year Zedekiah revolted against Babylon, trusting in Egypt’s promise of help (588 BC).

What comes to mind when you picture an eagle? I see a majestic creature soaring through the sky. I can almost hear the flapping of those magnificent wings. The eagle is often used in the Old Testament referring to the power of God. Certainly, the eagle is a bird that garners great respect from many cultures. However, God was not referring to himself in the case of the first and second eagle in this riddle/parable.

While the first eagle does mighty things, the second seems passive, taking no action. The vine seems to be more interested in trusting this new eagle for some reason. When we understand who the characters are, this parable makes so much more sense.

The first eagle, being the king of Babylon first plants God’s chosen seed in his town, the merchant hub of the time. The second eagle, being Egypt reveals the empty promises that Zedekiah blindly trusted. And of course, the vine was King Zedekiah and his people.

Will the people of Israel listen to this parable? God offers them a promise they can trust. God will one day grow a majestic tree that will bear fruit. All birds will be welcome to take shelter there. The spiritual truth God reveal s is that He is in control!

Thank God for how he takes control of your life, moving you closer to your destiny with him.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. LORD, I marvel at the wisdom you tuck into each passage. Those nuggets of wisdom can change each time I read the same verses. Thank you for revealing yourself to me a little each day. Forgive me for the ways I fall short of reaching your ultimate plan. Help me to grow closer to you each day. May I cling to each new nugget of truth and boldly share it with others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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