Ezekiel 16:1-34 – She Had It All

person standing with arm reaching up facing the sun and sun beams

Read Ezekiel 16:1-34

The Sovereign LORD has quite a message for Jerusalem. We see how God describes the history of the holy city. He equates Jerusalem to an unwanted child now bound for her “happily ever after.” That is until her own pride and confidence get in the way. What happens is predictable even today as she falls away from God, leading her to make many unhealthy choices.

First we see God’s mercy in choosing to rescue this abandoned child. What devotion the creator feels toward his eventual bride! But the word picture here of this forgotten child is chilling. Sadly, there was a time in history when parents would leave behind their unwanted children, particularly daughters. God uses this familiar example to get attention but mainly to be understood.

God wanted his rescued people to remember their roots, the low point of when they belonged to no one. Did they remember their ancestor’s bondage in Egypt? What about when they entered the Promised Land?

It would be years before they would have inhabited Jerusalem when King David ruled, but the original settlers there would likely remember such humble, fretful beginnings. Many would have only dreamed of being adorned with jewels and such abundance.

As we see today, people with great wealth and success tend to become interested more in the idols of power and ambition. This is exactly what God is describing only using more sexual  examples, such as prostitution and being unfaithful. One of God’s commandments prohibits adultery. It makes perfect sense why God would describe his rebellious bride like this.

Specific examples are given further supporting God’s displeasure. He speaks of all the nations Jerusalem flirted with. “And after your prostitution there, you still were not satisfied.” It seems God’s people were never satisfied. They didn’t realize the empty space inside they were trying to fill was the part of our hearts only God can fill with his love. Only then can we feel truly satisfied.

It’s interesting to see all of the ways God brought his message forward. It wasn’t just a once and done message. There are some difficult things brought to light in this reading. What are you reflecting on today?

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. LORD, I thank you for ho you spoke to your prophets to teach us all a lesson in being respectful and devoted totally to you. Forgive me when I let distractions and life challenges cloud my thinking or divert my attention. I want to be focused on you and how you are moving in the situations around me. Reveal yourself to me and show me the way. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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