If you’ve ever experienced a difficult situation, you know how hard it is not to complain or feel bitter. Today we hear some more grumbling by the Israelites, now one month into their freedom. I’m sure they wouldn’t agree that being free is all that wonderful. They were taking out their frustration on their leaders, Moses and Aaron.
If you’ve ever held a leadership role, you know how common this is. When there is any “issue” plaguing the group you lead, you hear about it. By the time the message gets to you, it’s been hashed around and compounded by the group. Usually the issue has been totally blown out of proportion. That’s what happens when we find ourselves under pressure or feeling stress.
So what does the leadership in the desert do? They go to God. That’s a good model and reminder for us. If you have a problem or concern, or something that is nagging at you, have a chat with God. He wants to hear from us whether it’s praise or something else. He wants us to be in conversation with him. A lot.
What was God’s response to the people? He gave them the bread and meat they were asking for. It may have looked different than what they had ever known, but it was provision. Sometimes we have to accept a different answer to prayer than we were expecting or asking for. When the answer comes, we need to give thanks for God’s provision. After all, he knows best.
The other super important aspect of today’s reading is that of Sabbath. By only providing food for 6 days, they were shown given the opportunity to rest. Sabbath rest is a gift from God that many of us fail to enjoy. It’s oftentimes all work and no play for people these days. Wouldn’t you agree? God designed Sabbath rest for us, and by not recharging our spiritual self we are limiting our effectiveness.
There were a couple of surprising lines in today’s text, to me anyway. In verse 4, ” I will test them in this to see whether or not they will follow my instructions.” I wonder sometimes if I’m being “tested.” Whether God is testing us or our circumstances are such that we feel tested, how we handle ourselves during those times speaks volumes for our faith and trust in God. Anytime we are feeling weak, we know God is there to give us strength. We just sometimes forget. But we should heed God’s instructions for life. To love him and others is what he expects of us.
In verse 28 and 29, God asked, “How long will these people refuse to obey my commands and instructions? They must realize that the Sabbath is the Lord’s gift to you.” God was serious about the Sabbath rest. It was a gift. How ungrateful we are if we don’t accept it and actually rest. It hasn’t always been a discipline I followed. Since moving to Mexico, we have made it a big deal to rest and experience God one day a week. It’s a time to recharge, regroup, set new goals, pray, sleep, read God’s word, worship, be still and listen, etc. It will look different for each of us. The important thing is to make it happen!

Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for today’s reminder to trust you in all things. You have provided me a great husband who adores me, children who are healthy and finding their own way in this world, family who accept me for being a little quirky, and a local community of wonderful people we can share life with. Help me to manage my time wisely and always make time for you, God. I want to know you more. In Jesus’ name. Amen.