Everyday Should Be Thanksgiving!

portrait of autumn flower arrangement with background blurred

Did you know that many countries around the world celebrate a holiday called Thanksgiving? It may not be exactly the same or even on the same date, but according to a quick Google search there were at least seventeen countries listed. Generally the celebration centers around the fall harvest season in some way. I’m sure originally the farmers were thanking God for a good crop, the right amount of rainfall, good market prices, etc.

That’s the right idea. Thanking God, that is. Isn’t honoring God with our gratitude something we do every day? Maybe even countless moments in a day? So whether you’re celebrating a holiday of Thanksgiving as you read this reflection or not, remember it’s a daily thing to give thanks to God. We should include thanksgiving in all our prayers.

To get us in a thankful mindset, let’s reflect on a few different Bible passages. I hope that one or more of them speaks to you today. Be sure to sit quietly with each one and let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart, stirring up that gratitude inside you for all the many blessings around you.

Psalm 95:2

“Let us come to him with thanksgiving.
    Let us sing psalms of praise to him.”

What a great idea! When we approach God in our prayer time, worship time, or walking around time, we should come with thanksgiving. There is always something we can thank God for. Just look around. It may be as simple as having a roof over your head or the bills paid on time. God lavishes his love on us. His very presence should be all that we need. How can you be upset or worried when you heart leads with thanksgiving before the Lord.

Hebrews 12:28-29

“Since we are receiving a Kingdom that is unshakable, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe. For our God is a devouring fire.”

A “devouring fire” is how this verse describes God. There’s so much power and strength in that statement. Of course, his Kingdom would be everlasting and true. This “fire” is intended to ignite us as Christ followers. Those outside Christianity often do not understand the burning flame inside us. God is our source. How can we help but worship him with awe when we let ourselves fully acknowledge God’s holiness. Take time today to worship with awe.

Colossians 3:17

“And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father.”

Once we find our thankful heart, Paul’s counsel to the Colossians in this verse is powerful. What a challenge for us today to live like that. What would your day look like if when you left the house you remembered “who” you represent? Does the way we live our life reflect well on Jesus?

Rather than getting caught up in trying to be perfect Christ-followers, it’s better to admit we’ll never live up to that standard. That’s why we can be over-the-moon grateful that Jesus came to rescue us from our sin. I can’t think of anything I am more thankful for. I’m thankful for a lot of things, but my salvation and ultimate future with God is something too valuable to ever lose.

The verse says to give our thanks “through him [Jesus] to God the Father.” In Jesus’ name there is power. We close our prayers often with the words, “In Jesus’ name.” Since Jesus is our mediator before God, when our prayers involve thanksgiving we are praying to and “through” Jesus as we honor his name.

I love hearing the little girls at the orphanage pray. Their prayers are fervent and powerful. While they are mostly prayers of thanks for all the provisions they have experienced, you can sense their joy in being able to talk to God in that way. Their innocence is so endearing.

Be sure to give God the glory with your life, thank him for all the many gifts he bestows.

Let’s pray. LORD, I am so grateful for all that you have done so far in my life. Help me to be more mindful of the many gifts and provisions you send me. I want my life to be a good reflection of your love and grace. Open up the doors you want me to walk through. I want to live in your will for my life. I trust you to be the LORD of my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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