What a life Moses had lived. Remember how his mother hid him in a basket and set him in the water so he wouldn’t be killed. Remember how he was found by an Egyptian princess and grew up in an Egyptian household. Remember when he first saw God in a burning bush. Remember how he persevered through the wilderness with a bunch of complainers. Now he stands with God looking over the promised land. Strong until the end. And now he’s gone.
Interesting that we hear in the text that God buried him, and that no one knows where Moses is buried. I suppose in that way the people could truly move on and not spend days setting up some memorial shrine to Moses or even take his body into the promised land after all. The leadership role has now shifted to Joshua, and their happily ever after will soon begin in the land of Canaan.
Well, that’s the way God wanted the story to go. All of what Moses had been setting out in the book of Deuteronomy was designed to help the people realize their happily ever after. If you read further into the history of the Israelite people, you soon realize many did not heed God’s words of instruction as proclaimed by Moses.
Do you agree with this statement ? “There has never been another prophet in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face.” I agree with it, but it sounds like it was written much later when there was something to compare Moses to. Also, when we think of prophets, we sometimes make the mistake of thinking a prophet only tells of or predicts future events. Instead, we should think of prophets as messengers from God. Simply put, the role of a Biblical prophet was to convey a message from God to humans. That’s exactly what we’ve seen Moses do as we’ve read together through the book of Deuteronomy.
Do you have a better understanding of this book, of where the “law” comes from, and a glimpse into the heart of God? I think I do. Deuteronomy has always been one of those books I’ve been aware of, but I didn’t really know what it said. Why? Because as Christians, we believe Jesus came to fulfill the law. Our faith in Jesus becomes then our belief in the law. We are now under the new covenant God made with his people.
Deuteronomy is rich in history, in wisdom, and in revealing God’s heart for his people. We saw firsthand that God is true to his word. We can rely on his promises. God uses the unexpected. He can use us. We will not all be prophets, but some of us might be.
Moses didn’t know how he could do it, do you ever feel that way? Feel like you aren’t qualified enough to be used by God? Then you are EXACTLY who God wants to use. Because in our weakness, people can see God at work when we are doing God’s work. It’s a beautiful thing.
Take some time to chat with God about your work in this world. Are you clear? Could you be doing more?

Let’s pray…Lord, I come to you and feel overjoyed to know that you made me for this moment. I may not feel ready, prepared, or equipped to do what you are asking of me, but I know that you won’t let me fail either. Thank you God for your input, the gifts you’ve given me, and the courage to get it done. Guide my steps. Ease my fear. May I walk into the greatness you desire for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.