What?! No more bacon or shrimp? That’s where my brain went when I read the list of what we should and shouldn’t be eating. But let’s keep the context here. Moses was writing these words to a nomadic people about to enter the promised land. They would soon be taking up residence in homes and villages on a permanent basis. They needed rules, and Moses’ duty was to set those expectations. We’ve been witnessing this all along in the book of Deuteronomy.
When it comes down to diet, there were foods thought to be ceremonially unclean and therefore not appropriate for eating. This is another example of a law given that doesn’t necessarily apply to us as followers of Christ. Jesus didn’t abolish the law, but he affirmed the parts of the law we should be focusing on. Our food choices were not necessarily at issue. However, many Jews and Muslims will still refrain from eating pork, even today.
What did you think when you read today’s passage? Did you start to get a little hungry and wonder what you’d be making for supper? I’m glad it’s date night, and we’ll be ordering in food. The big decision of the day will be from what restaurant. We’re still on lock down, and only certain restaurants are delivering. We are very thankful for that.
Don’t our lives revolve around food? Think about it. If you’re like me, you probably wake up wondering what you’re going to cook for the day. Maybe others of you wonder “what are the kids going to want to eat today” or “is there enough food in the house to make that dish?” When we’re not being limited by the pandemic, there are dinner parties and other gatherings that are usually focused around some type of food. You can’t even go to a baby shower without snacks! Here in Mexico, baby showers can go on for hours. The last one we went to had a whole pig they were roasting.
Food sustains us. Our bodies need it. I can’t imagine what Jesus did in the desert for 40 days fasting without food. Moses did the same when he was in the mountain with God. I can’t go 8 hours without thinking about a snack of some sort. While food is important, the bigger picture is taking care of ourselves.
Let’s pivot a little. What about spiritual food? How are you feeding your spirit? How are you growing closer to God? The question “what’s for dinner” can take on a whole new meaning in terms of our spiritual needs.
Take some time today to soak up the love God is pouring on you. If you are feeling depleted, hungry for more, remember God will sustain you.

Let’s pray … Lord, thank you for how you feed my soul every day. Thank you for your word, the truths that challenge me as I reflect and share. I love that we can have this time together each day. Give me the strength I need to face the giants I’ll encounter. Put the right words in my mouth so I can help others see you inside me. Wash away any doubts, fears, or lies that are holding me back from being the person you designed me to be. In Jesus’ name. Amen.