Matthew 5:27-32 – How to Avoid Sexual Sin

Read Matthew 5:27-32

Adultery. It’s one of the top 10 biggie sins. We recently walked through the book of Exodus (see other posts) and we learned how God gave Moses the law he wanted for his people. Adultery was one of the 10 Commandments. It is a sin that requires another person. This is a big subject to unpack. But I’ll try.

Divorce. Another huge subject. One that I’ve struggled with for 20+ years now. Ever since my own divorce, I wondered how my sinfulness was affecting my salvation. You know, a broken vow is a broken vow (stay tuned for a future post in Jesus’ sermon on the mount). So what does Jesus really say about divorce? We’ll see.

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Matthew 5:21-26 – Anger Management

Read Matthew 5:21-26

Anger is an emotion that can quickly escalate into something very ugly. When left unrestrained, anger can become rage leaving many hurts in its wake. Anger is also dangerous when it’s bottled up inside. It can be devastating when it finally lets loose. I suppose that’s why Jesus is warning us against it. While murder is clearly sinful, Jesus knows that anger is oftentimes the root reason leading to murder. He didn’t want us to think that it was just the killing part that was wrong.

We are bound to feel anger from time to time. Disappointment that something doesn’t go our way, or frustration when another’s mistake has caused us some discomfort. It is how we handle our anger that matters. That takes a lot of control. We need to recognize the signs leading up to this strong emotion and make sure we are redirecting our frustration in a healthy way.

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Matthew 5:17-20 – Obey the Law

Read Matthew 5:17-20

Wow – this could definitely be the wake-up call we all need to get back on track! If we had any doubt why Jesus came to earth, he clears it up for us right here. He didn’t come to abolish the laws of Moses but to “accomplish” them. So what does that mean exactly?

To be clear, these are not Moses’ laws, but the laws God gave to Moses to share with the people. For the years and years before Jesus came, these laws were what guided God’s people. As you can imagine, there were plenty of folks who broke the law or twisted the law, much like people do today. But there were also God-fearing people who followed the law, to the letter.

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Matthew 5:13-16 – Are You Salty or Bright?

Read Matthew 5:13-16

We’ve begun our study of the Sermon on the Mount. The next series of posts will all be from Jesus’ teaching that day on the mountainside. There is so much to unpack here, so we’ll take little chunks. It’s easier to digest that way! This is similar to how I tackle a problem or a huge undertaking. One little piece at a time. Imagine eating a whole elephant… you do it one bite at a time.

Today, we’ll focus on our faith life and how we relate to God and others. Jesus uses the metaphors of salt and light. Neither exists for themselves but to serve others. We know salt to be a seasoning for food to give it more taste, but it is also a preservative. Salt must penetrate that which it is to preserve. If we are like salt, what is our job exactly?

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Matthew 5:1-12 – What is a Beatitude?

Read Matthew 5:1-12

Have you heard that word, Beatitude, before? Do you know what it means? The Google dictionary says “supreme blessedness.” For the purpose of our text, it represents the blessings spoken by Jesus. It’s such a beautiful passage. In our last reading, we hear how people are following Jesus, gathering crowds where ever he goes. Today’s text looks, in particular, at one of those days.

Picture this. The crowd was gathering, and Jesus was ready to teach. He went up the mountainside and sat down with his disciples gathered around. Everyone was ready to hear what Jesus had to say. Today was special. Jesus is about to preach a sermon that will rock their world. He starts with the blessings.

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