Matthew 20:29-34 – Dare to be Different

Read Matthew 20:29-34

Is this story of the two blind men different from all the other healing miracles Jesus performed? Certainly there is no way to count how many people encountered Jesus’ healing touch. Yet with all the potential accounts that could be memorialized, I wonder why this one was singled out from all the rest.

We have Jesus and his disciples on their way to Jerusalem. There would have been a multitude of people all heading in the same direction. A “crowd” as it were. They all had their destination in mind. The Passover celebration was near. Yet these two blind men were different. They were not going anywhere just yet. They had heard that Jesus was coming their way. They were going to be different and wait.

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Matthew 20:17-28 – Be a Servant

Read Matthew 20:17-28

Before Jesus’ teaching on being a servant, he spoke of his own death again. This time, he spoke about the Son of Man (himself) in third person. Why does he share again? I’m guessing it’s to prepare his friends. He is telling them exactly what is going to happen. This time he connects it with being in Jerusalem, their destination. Jesus is headed right into his destiny. How was he feeling about that? How would you have felt?

It doesn’t say what the disciples’ response was. I’m guessing they are still finding it hard to believe. Jesus is so popular. How is it possible that he will be killed so ruthlessly? Our reading quickly shifts to the scene with the mother of James and John. She is asking for favor for her sons. Jesus isn’t about to grant her request, it is not his place to do so.

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Matthew 20:1-16 – Vineyard Story

Read Matthew 20:1-16

What a glorious picture of the Kingdom of God. Some may call it unfair. Others will see how it portrays a loving God who shows no favorites. It reminds us that God is God and we are not. Our salvation is secure when we follow Christ. Whether we have been followers our whole life or claim Jesus as our Lord and Savior on our death bed, the Kingdom of God is prepared for all who believe. It’s up to God who spends eternity with him.

I’ve often heard Christians lamenting about how it’s not fair that we who have followed Jesus our whole lives get the same reward (heaven) as do those who have been evil their whole life but then miraculously on their death beds claim Jesus as Lord and Savior. This is the perfect example given by Jesus. We need to stop grumbling. After all, we’ve enjoyed a life full of God’s blessings as followers of Christ.

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Matthew 19:16-30 – Good Life

Read Matthew 19:16-30

We are all looking for shortcuts, aren’t we? We want a diet pill to lose weight, a get rich quick scheme to make money, a drive up window to get our food faster–you get the idea. So it makes sense that this rich young man wanted to know what one “good” thing he had to do to have eternal life. He wanted to live forever and knew that was something his money couldn’t buy.

I loved Jesus’ response. Good? There is only One who is “good.” Our good Heavenly Father. Chris Tomlin has a great song called “Good Good Father” and you can listen HERE.

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Matthew 19:1-15 – Divorce & More

Read Matthew 19:1-15

It was passages like this that kept me stuck in an abusive marriage for nearly 15 years. I didn’t want to displease God and break a vow made before him. I was so broken and unsure of myself. I believed it was my own fault for being in this situation. I had to live with my poor choice. I endured the pain, embarrassment, fear, and feelings of unworthiness for many years.

It’s true. God did not intend for us to divorce. We have abused many of the things in God’s perfect plan which he did intend. However, we, his creation, have minds of our own and distorted much of the beauty created for us to enjoy. It all started with the forbidden fruit.

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