Mark 9:14-29 – Stronger Faith

Read Mark 9:14-29

Today’s reading happens directly after yesterday’s in real time. In case you missed yesterday, it’s the story of the transfiguration where Jesus took the inner circle (Peter, James and John) up the mountain where they experienced something miraculous, leaving them a bit awestruck.

We often experience those mountaintop experiences in our lives. Maybe after a wonderful worship service, a spiritual healing, a large worship concert, or conference with other believers. When we come back to reality, the every day routine, re-entry can often be challenging. We don’t want to lose that feeling.

Here, Jesus and the disciples had to assimilate very quickly as there was a crowd waiting. From our readings in Mark, it seems like this is an every day occurrence that people are clamoring for Jesus’ attention with one need or another. It may seem like that still today as we lift our prayers up, asking God for this or for that to make our lives better.

Our prayers should be more than that, shouldn’t they? I read an interesting statement once, and I may have even used this in my marketing. It went something like this:  “What if we woke up tomorrow with ONLY who and what we prayed for today?” That includes God. We need to never forget to whom we are praying.

He is worthy of our praise, and our praise should not be reserved for Sunday mornings. It’s an every day, every minute kind of thing. It should be our #1 purpose–to love and worship God at all times.

In our reading today, the frantic father cries out to Jesus, “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!” It would probably do us all good to make this cry part of our daily prayer.

Prayer is powerful. Our conversations with God are what keep us connected. We see another example of how powerful prayer is right here in today’s reading. The disciples had tried to heal the boy but failed. Jesus seemed a little impatient with them (but remember he is just back from a mountaintop experience). Jesus later told them what they had missed in their attempt. Prayer. Those stubborn demons require prayer to flee.

What demons are burdening you today? In the name of Jesus, and with prayer and belief, command them to flee.

Let’s pray. Lord, I come to you on bended knee, again humbled by your majesty and provision. Shield my heart from unclean thoughts and selfish desires. I long to know you more and share with others what you have done for me. May my life reflect you in all I say and do. I thank you for the mountaintop experiences I have had recently. I pray that as I get back to reality you will help me not be discouraged but instead to keep pushing forward. The best is yet to come, and I look forward to how you are going to use me and my voice. Thank you for your peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Mark 9:1-13 – See the Light

Read Mark 9:1-13

The story of the transfiguration was always a hard one to describe to little children. If I’m being totally honest, it is probably hard for us adults to grasp as well. Suffice it to say that God is mighty, and when he wants to make a statement, it will be a beautiful, unbelievable sight.

Here’s a beautiful song, Transfiguration, from Hillsong. Listen here. Let the beauty of the lyrics of praise wash over you.

We have a second declaration from God himself. The first one happened at Jesus’ baptism where God proclaimed his Son. This time the message is reserved for the inner circle of Jesus’ tribe of followers. I love how God puts it right out there, “This is my dearly loved Son. Listen to him.” Listen to him! Of course. Up to now the disciples have been a little “lost” and certainly they have been missing a lot. It’s not every day you’re in the company of God. The message speaks to us, too. Are we listening to Jesus or the world?

I’m sure we have those times of being hard headed. It would take a sledge hammer to break into the walls we’ve built up or to clear away the debris we carry around. Imagine having one-on-one time with Jesus like this. Imagine experiencing something so wonderful you can’t even describe it, and then are told not to even try.

Have you been perplexed in your faith, perhaps surprised or confused by what you are reading or experiencing? Think of these disciples in their understanding, or lack thereof, of what being “raised from the dead” could actually mean. They were struggling to sort out what they were seeing. It was so different from the life they had known up to this point.

So many questions, yet they had the benefit of having an audience with Jesus. It seems my list gets longer and longer of things I’d like to ask Jesus when I meet him face to face. Then I realize that when the time comes and I do get those answers, the need for the answers will no longer exist. I’ll be with Jesus! My understanding will be made full. I won’t be able to tell everyone the answers they are all waiting for. It won’t matter. Eternal life with Jesus is the ultimate reward and no question could keep me from desiring that for my future. I hope you have that homing beacon burning bright in you, too, to want eternity with Jesus. No matter what!

Faith. It’s what we need to sustain us. It’s what we need to draw us closer to our Creator. It is the fuel we need for each day to make it through the challenges and distractions. We haven’t had the mountain top experience with bright lights and visitors from heaven to help our faith along. God is cultivating that in us without any intervention by us. We are right with God because of what Jesus did, and that should be our focus and our fuel.

Let’s pray. Lord you are mighty beyond description. Your ways are perfect. When you speak, I bow down in reverence. Help me to hear your voice above all the noise and distractions of this world. Thank you for becoming man to identify with our earthly struggle. I want to be planted securely in your will and ask for your leading. Shed your light on me so that I may burn bright for you, fueled by an unstoppable faith. As I look around, help me to see those who are waiting to hear from you but don’t know how to listen. Help clear my cluttered head so my eyes will be fixed on you alone. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Mark 8:27-38 – Live for Jesus

Read Mark 8:27-38

There are so many gems in today’s reading. If this passage is familiar to you, I would suggest you read it again, at least once, and really listen for God. We can often gloss over the familiar, but God’s word is always made new. If you are reading this for the first time, read it again and really soak up all of the nuggets here.

Who is Jesus to you? Peter was on point, but Jesus asked them to be careful right now to spread that around. Have you ever wondered why? Later, he will ask them to spread the gospel. For now, maybe for their own safety, Jesus has them stay low-key. For us, we need to be shining lights for Jesus because the time for us is now.

Jesus tries to prepare his disciples for his death, but because of their track record of not “getting it”, I’m certain his efforts were in vain. The scene shifts quickly as Peter wants to argue. Jesus promptly puts him in his place, calling out the evil one as being the influence here. How true it is for us to let doubt or fear (tricks of the evil one) cloud our trust in Jesus, as well as our relationship with him. Be aware of that and call out the devil as Jesus did when you are feeling worry or or doubt creep in.

Jesus isn’t looking for lukewarm followers here. He is looking for us to leave our old ways behind and be all-in. In his words, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it.” 

How many of us try to do it our own way? How is that going for us? What can life be without the promise of eternity? What he’s asking is not easy. But think of the reward. Jesus simply asks, “are you ashamed of me?” The trend nowadays is it’s not popular to be Christian. Many are ashamed. Yet, some are still martyred and suffer for their faith.

For me, I would rather be ridiculed and laughed at rather than hide my faith. If I lose customers or business partners because I live my faith out loud, then they are the ones missing out. I want to be ready when Jesus “returns in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”

How about you? Who is Jesus to you? Are you a lukewarm follower hanging on to your life, or have you taken up your cross to be an all-in follower?

Let’s pray. Lord, what a glorious God you are. Your kingdom is everlasting and true. I dedicate this day to you alone. I declare every day you give me to be a gift. May I open it joyfully and spread your truth without abandon. Cleanse again my sinful heart as I want to shine for you. Thank you for the blessings you bestow on my business, my family and my life. May you sense my grateful heart as it overflows. May all thoughts of sadness, worry and negativity flee from me. Thank you that you are working in me to bring others to know you. Thank you for blessing that ministry.



Mark 8:22-26 – I Can See

Read Mark 8:22-26

Aren’t we all a little blind? Don’t we all need Jesus to open our eyes?

Our healing story today is of a blind man. On the first attempt he sees something, but Jesus wasn’t satisfied. He took a second opportunity to help the man really see.

How many attempts would be needed for us? How has the world blinded us to the truth?

I’ve just spent the last several days in the home of a beautiful woman. She was walking through some pretty horrific things as the love of her life had just suffered a stroke. While that is horrible in and of itself, the fact that she doesn’t know Jesus is even more devastating. How many more people are there in the world struggling and suffering today, alone. Without the hope Jesus gives us?

They are not alone, in the sense of the word, as there are plenty of doctors and nurses, friends and family, as well as acquaintances and passers by to keep them company. But I can’t imagine not having Jesus in the midst of my trial. True peace exists in the knowledge that God is control and that life is not over when we take our final breath.

I’ve really struggled these past several days. God has put me in this place. Why? When believers face life and death situations, it’s a little easier because we are surrounded by other believers to lift us up and encourage us, remind us that God is love. If you’ve been following this blog for any time, you’ve heard my prayer to be used by God to share his love with those who are blind to him. He has answered my prayer.

Here in our story today, the blind man brought by friends for healing. The first attempt didn’t work, entirely. I’m still not sure how the blind man knew what trees looked like. Perhaps he’d not been blind from birth. That aside, it took Jesus several attempts to break through the walls the man had put up that kept him from seeing the truth.

Our trip is now over, and I know I didn’t break through this woman’s walls of unbelief. I do pray that God used my feeble attempt as the first attack on her blindness and that God will work with that. She will forever leave a mark on my heart. I wonder if Jesus felt marked by each person he was able to help?

Let’s pray. Father God I thank you for the people you bring in to my life every day. Continue to use me as your light in this troubled world. Help me to reconcile with the frustration I feel when my light doesn’t ignite the heart of an unbeliever. Bless my words and my actions. Heal my heart from feeling discouraged. Bring miraculous healing to those you desire. I pray for the souls of those who do not know you yet. As I have prayed before, use me, fill me with your Spirit, and lead me in your ways. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Mark 8:11-21 – Those Pharisees and Disciples!

Read Mark 8:11-21

In today’s reading we continue to see patterns that are developing in Mark’s gospel. The Pharisees are now pushing Jesus for a miraculous sign. It’s almost like they want him to perform a magic trick on the spot, hoping that they’ll catch him off guard and he won’t have his props ready to sneak up his sleeve.

How did Jesus respond? Our text says he “sighed deeply in his spirit.” This may not have been audible, I don’t know. I’m guessing it was more an inward sort of frustration that Jesus didn’t let on to those watching the scene. Have you ever encountered a situation where you wanted to scream on the outside but chose the more refined silent treatment instead? I think we have all had this happen to us on occasion. It may have even happened subconsciously.

In any event, after Jesus questioned why they needed such a thing or had much such a request, he got back in the boat and left. He was asking the question but never intended to wait for or expect a response. It could well have been an “under the breath” sort of statement.

The scene then shifts to the disciples and what do we see – they are fixated on the bread again. So when Jesus warned them of the yeast of the Pharisees, their minds went immediately to the bread they had forgotten. I suppose there was some guilt in there, and possible hunger. But they didn’t get that Jesus was talking about “real” bread, or yeast, here, was he? Jesus was talking about the words of the Pharisees, or their thoughts and actions toward Jesus. Jesus could clearly see through them, and he was warning the disciples to do the same.

The disciples’ memory seemed to be in tact as they could remember the number of leftover baskets they picked up in two of our recent Bible accounts. But we’ve also seen how they are just a little “slow” on picking up the message they should be getting loud and clear. Jesus is the real deal and is worthy of our praise.

Do we struggle with having more than a blind faith? Do we need to see a miracle like the Pharisees? Or, do we need to be reminded again and again of the greatness of Jesus and how much he provides for us? Think about it. What if Jesus were to show up at your door today. How would you respond? Would you drop every plan you have to spend time with him?

Let’s pray. Lord, forgive me when I get busy and distracted. I definitely do not want to be like a Pharisee that needs a sign to believe. I know without a doubt that you are there, that you love me and others,and that you stand on the ready to rescue me when I fall. Forgive me when I fall short of where you want me to be. I long to help others and draw people back to you. I’ve not encountered many non-believers, and I thank you for the opportunities you have placed before me.  I pray that you will use my grace and integrity to draw attention to you. It is all from you, after all. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



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