December 19 🌟 Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:2-7)

Read Isaiah 9:2-7

peace sign made out of pink and white flowers with a wacky design as background

Peace. What does that mean to you? I know that’s a big question. When is the last time you really felt peace? I mean, really felt it?

This is one of my favorite passages from Isaiah. There is so much to cling to here, one could get lost in these words for days. Perhaps, if you haven’t felt full of peace or peaceful recently, you can spend some extra time with these verses and just let the breadth of each word strengthen you, refresh you, and bring you peace.

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December 17 🌟 The New Branch (Isaiah 11:1-10)

Read Isaiah 11:1-10

Looking up view of a large tree with many branches

What beautiful images of peace and freedom! God will bring new life to the stump of David. Just as he promised in 2 Samuel 7, a descendant of David will rule forever. The Messiah will come and bring justice and salvation.

If you’ve ever watched new branches sprout from a tree, you know the beauty of seeing life continue, expand, and grow. This new Branch will be so much more fruitful than any branch ever before. This Branch is our promised king, and he will be the fair judge we long for today.

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December 15 🌟 God’s Favor (Isaiah 61:1-11)

Read Isaiah 61:1-11

A girl holding a cardboard sign that reads "BLESSED"

We may recall Jesus reciting the opening words of this passage in Luke 4. Jesus ends with these words before sitting down, “the time of the LORD’s favor has come.” Isaiah prophesied about the LORD’s favor, and then Jesus proclaims the words had been fulfilled that very day.

Certainly, we do see Jesus as the one appointed to bring good news to the poor. We think of Jesus’ earthly mission as a care ministry, bringing peace and wholeness to those he encounters. What do we see when we read these same words with our Advent eyes?

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December 13 🌟 Hope (Isaiah 35:1-10)

Read Isaiah 35:1-10

The words HOPE endures with a butterfly image behind

What a beautiful prophecy! Isaiah delivered this hope of restoration just in time. The first 34 chapters of the book of Isaiah delivered the message of judgment on both Israel and Judah for rejecting God. These positive words would have been like a breath of fresh air.

Yet there are still many today who reject God for one reason or another. It’s tragic. I can’t imagine walking through this life without God by my side. Not to experience the hope, the joy, and the unconditional love would leave such an empty place.

Continue reading “December 13 🌟 Hope (Isaiah 35:1-10)”

December 8 🌟 Shout It Out (Isaiah 40:1-11)

Read Isaiah 40:1-11

A man with his hand near his mouth, mouth open as if shouting

I have the song “Comfort Ye My People,” from “The Messiah,” running through my head now. While this is a tenor solo, and I was an alto, I treasure precious memories of singing with my dad in our church choir growing up. Handel’s Messiah has a special place in my heart. The words of Isaiah in this passage are clearly the inspiration for that musical selection!

How do these words speak to you today wearing your “Advent Lenses”? We probably recognize the “someone” shouting in the wilderness, to be John, centuries later from when these words were written. “Clear the way through the wilderness for the LORD!” I’d like to think that we, too, can be messengers trying to clear through the “gunk” in this world to make a way for Jesus to be known.

Continue reading “December 8 🌟 Shout It Out (Isaiah 40:1-11)”

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