Genesis 43:15-34 – Confess First

Genesis 43:15-34

Do you know that rumbling in the pit of your stomach when you have reason to fear being caught for something? Guilt. Dread. It’s not a fun feeling. You can bet the men in our story were experiencing that as they headed back to Egypt with Benjamin. When they were whisked off to Joseph’s quarters, you can bet that feeling intensified.

They knew they had come prepared to make amends. They didn’t let any time be wasted as they sought out Joseph’s household manager to confess. They had to get it off their chest. They wanted to avoid being called out and perhaps jailed or worse for what happened. Can you relate? Continue reading “Genesis 43:15-34 – Confess First”

Genesis 43:1-14 – So Be It

Read Genesis 43:1-14

Have you ever had to settle? By that, I mean that you accept something that might not have been the best solution? You selected it because it was simpler. At some point, you begin to wonder why you went that direction. So many people are ready to take the easy way out. People these days want immediate results.

Today Jacob finally gives in. You can tell it is a decision that pains him more than life itself. The fear of his sons over the fact their money was returned has caused them to go over the top in making sure “the man” is happy. Jacob does not want anything to jeopardize Benjamin’s safety. Continue reading “Genesis 43:1-14 – So Be It”

Genesis 42:27-38 – Uh Oh!

Read Genesis 42:27-38

I wonder how long the boys were gone? The travel to Egypt wasn’t a short jaunt, and then the time in jail needs to be accounted for. Can you imagine Jacob’s fury when they returned without Simeon? It was only fueled by the fact the Egyptian had requested that Benjamin go back as proof they were not spies. I am sure Jacob was just incredulous. How could this be?

Thankfully they had the grain they had gone for. But what else could go wrong? Their money was also returned. What if someone caught on and they were arrested or worse? It was all very fishy. The boys must have felt extremely vulnerable at this point. What had they agreed to? Was Simeon to be the latest sacrifice? Continue reading “Genesis 42:27-38 – Uh Oh!”

Genesis 42:1-26 – Time to Bow Down

Read Genesis 42:1-26

Another dream has come true. Joseph’s brothers bowed down to him. Now, they didn’t realize who they were really bowing to, but Joseph knew. All these years later, his own dream was coming true. After being put in a cistern and then sold to the Ishmaelites, I’m sure Joseph wondered how he dream could ever come true. Now it had. God’s hand had been at work in Joseph’s life from the get-go.

What did you think about how Joseph played with his brothers? I can’t imagine he gave every person who came for a handout so much grief. I am sure there were strict rules in place so the same family or tribe didn’t come for food more than their share. Yet, it did seem a little extreme to accuse them of being spies, didn’t you think? What was Joseph’s intention? To have them quaking in their shoes perhaps? Continue reading “Genesis 42:1-26 – Time to Bow Down”

Genesis 41:37-57 – Change of Plan

Read Genesis 41:37-57

One minute a slave to a prison jailer as an inmate, the next, second only to Pharaoh himself! I’m sure Joseph felt like he was in a dream and needed to pinch himself to be sure it was real. How could it be? It was God’s perfect timing. All those years of faithfulness had brought Joseph to this moment.

Again, let’s put ourselves in Joseph’s shoes. He has had quite a journey in his life so far. They say he was 30 years old when today’s story takes place and he is given such responsibility. Leading him to this moment, he had been his father’s favorite son, and then abruptly sold into slavery at the approximate age of 17. For the next 13 years, he served Potiphar as a slave. You’ll recall he had lots of perks until Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce him and then framed him for seducing her when Joseph refused her advances. Such a consequence for doing the right thing! The remaining years were spent in prison. Yet God was with him through it all, preparing him for this triumphant moment. Continue reading “Genesis 41:37-57 – Change of Plan”


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