Another dream has come true. Joseph’s brothers bowed down to him. Now, they didn’t realize who they were really bowing to, but Joseph knew. All these years later, his own dream was coming true. After being put in a cistern and then sold to the Ishmaelites, I’m sure Joseph wondered how he dream could ever come true. Now it had. God’s hand had been at work in Joseph’s life from the get-go.
What did you think about how Joseph played with his brothers? I can’t imagine he gave every person who came for a handout so much grief. I am sure there were strict rules in place so the same family or tribe didn’t come for food more than their share. Yet, it did seem a little extreme to accuse them of being spies, didn’t you think? What was Joseph’s intention? To have them quaking in their shoes perhaps?
The brothers realized they were not in a position of strength and needed to bow down to the authority and provision that the Egyptians had. We should feel a sense of awe and wonder at all the provision we get from God on a daily basis. Our response should be to bow down to him. When is the last time you truly surrendered?
It is in our weakness that God’s strength is revealed. We are not in control, and it can set us back when we don’t get our way or plans change without notice. How do you respond when you have to backpedal and go with plan B? How do you respond when you encounter failure in your life?
We are given choices. We can sit and stew over our lot in life, or we can rejoice because God is in control. I’ve recently learned another great trick that really helps. It’s the 5-minute rule. You use it when you encounter a set back that is out of your control, and you can honestly say, “I can’t change it.” You then have 5 minutes to have your pity party, be angry, sad, etc. At the end of 5 minutes, you have to let it go and say, “I can’t change it.”
When you do this, you are acknowledging your weakness and inability to change the situation. Instead of fretting over something you cannot change, you have chosen to embrace the fact you can’t change it and make the best of what has happened. I’ve experienced this firsthand, and it is amazing how free you can be once you let go. You may even find that 5 minutes is too long to be mad!
Joseph’s brothers were clearly still ridden with guilt over what they had done to Joseph. Whether they had been thinking of it all these years or not, having told this Egyptian leader that they were 12 brothers minus one who was no longer with them must have conjured up some feelings of regret and fear.
Joseph was also moved by their words. He had done such a great job of controlling his emotions up to this point. Yet he wept. Sometimes that is the best thing we can do when we are upset. In those 5 minutes – weep!
It will be interesting to see how the story plays out. The brothers will no doubt be surprised when they open their things and find their payment. I wonder why Joseph did this? Was he still playing with them a bit? I wonder what the servants thought as they carried out the plan?
Think of a time when you had to submit to authority. How did you feel? Afraid? Intimidated? Bold? Did you surrender or fight back? Think about your relationship with God. Do you submit to him and his will for your life? What does total surrender to God look like to you?
Let’s pray. Father God, I thank you for being in control of my life. While you give me choices and decisions are mine to make, I want to make the best choice and always be attentive to your leading. Forgive me for when I fall short. Forgive me when I try to forge on without waiting for you. Help me not be so devastated when plans go sideways. Thank you that I can always turn to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.