Genesis 18:16-33 – What About This?

Read Genesis 18:16-33

The three men from yesterday’s reading are just finishing up with the delicious meal Abraham had prepared for them. Today we see that one of them is God. The other two are off to Sodom. God remains with Abraham to share with him the reason for the visit to Sodom. The sinfulness is out of control. Abraham jumps to the conclusion that God is going to destroy the city, although the words are not there.

Abraham steps out boldly and questions God. Not only does he ask a question, but he also offers his own commentary or judgmental statement, “Surely you wouldn’t do that! ” I can’t imagine talking to God like that face to face. That’s a bold faith. What this does show us is we don’t need to be afraid to tell God what we think. God will do what God is going to do, yet we can share our heart, too.   Continue reading “Genesis 18:16-33 – What About This?”

Genesis 18:1-15 – Nothing is Impossible for God

Read Genesis 18:1-15

It was interesting how today’s reading plays out. I’ll not focus on it for long, but it struck me how there were 3 strangers who happened along, and then it was God saying the same thing about the baby in a year. God in three persons perhaps? But the message (or prophecy) is clear – Abraham and Sarah are going to be parents. Having gotten used to being a couple without kids, and being up in years, the thought is a bit comical.

Sarah did laugh, and she had reason to, didn’t she? They have been hearing the same story for decades and yet no child. But these words really struck a chord with me, “Is anything too hard for the Lord? ”  Think about that one and let the truth sink in. Continue reading “Genesis 18:1-15 – Nothing is Impossible for God”

Genesis 17:1-27 – New Stuff

Read Genesis 17:1-27

This is the 3rd time God brings up his promise to Abram. Yet this time it seems it seems imminent. Abram was given a new name to commemorate the occasion. We’ve talked about God’s timing before, and this is surely a nail-biter – when is God going to complete what he promised? Would it have been better had God not told Abraham about the promise the earlier two times? Perhaps God was teaching Abraham patience as well as obedience.

In today’s reading God also makes a new declaration of his expectations for “his people” going forward. Circumcision is introduced as a way of physically setting the Jews apart. It was a requirement for all males, even those in Abraham’s household who were not his heirs. It is a ritual that continues even today, and not only in the Jewish community. For those first Jews to be circumcised, mostly adults at the time, the pain would likely have been horrible. An act of obedience to their God. Continue reading “Genesis 17:1-27 – New Stuff”

Genesis 16:1-16 – Comedy of Errors

Read Genesis 16:1-16

Today’s reading shows us how human frailty can really mess up a good plan. However, it also shows how when we make wrong choices, God can still work things out in the end. That can give us hope, but we should certainly not look to it as an excuse to live recklessly. As the story unfolds, it is really a comedy of errors building on itself.

First of all, we have Sarai who must be frustrated. Abram has told her that God has promised to make him the father of many, yet Sarai has been unable to conceive. For couples today with fertility issues, I know there is pain and sadness when not able to conceive. But imagine the guilt knowing your husband has been promised great things from God and not being able to help with fulfillment. It’s easy for us to say, it wasn’t “God’s timing.” For Sarai, she felt desperate. Continue reading “Genesis 16:1-16 – Comedy of Errors”

Genesis 15:1-19 – Intimacy with God

Read Genesis 15:1-19

At last, we hear Abram’s doubt creep into his conversation with God. He has heard the promises and yet he can’t fathom how it will work unless his servants become heirs. But God showed him the stars and reminded Abram his descendants would be like that, too many to count. Abram believed God and the Lord “declared him righteous because of his faith.”

We need to remember that God’s blessings are beyond our comprehension. Abram certainly had to think outside the box to sure of what God was saying. During their intimate discussion, God also revealed and reiterated the promise of the land. A sacrifice was called to seal the deal. God finished his promise and the covenant was completed during a frightening dream. But God comforted Abram. Abram received the vision, together with the confirmation of the smoking pot and God’s passing through the pieces of sacrifice. This was real. God said so. Continue reading “Genesis 15:1-19 – Intimacy with God”


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