Genesis 21:22-34 – Don’t Keep it In

Read Genesis 21:22-34

Have you ever held a grudge against someone? Maybe something they have done has bothered you, but you’ve kept it to yourself? Today’s story involves a situation like that for Abraham. When the truth finally comes out,  there is a lot of compromising going on. Gifts of animals are exchanged to make the agreement official.

What would it look like if you approached the person you are “at odds” with? Would you bring a covered dish or a pie to help smooth over the dispute? Would you make an offering of any kind? It’s possible. Sometimes we need a thoughtful gesture to break the ice to open up an uncomfortable conversation. Continue reading “Genesis 21:22-34 – Don’t Keep it In”

Genesis 21:1-21 – Welcome Isaac!

Read Genesis 21:1-21

We have been hearing about this promised child to be born to Abraham and Sarah, and he has finally arrived. A bustling bundle of joy, bringing laughter back into the family. Who can imagine being a father at age 100!? That’s a lot of years of wisdom to share with your child! God had said it would happen, and it did. In God’s perfect time.

Imagine the life change. Think of how many years they lived with no children, getting into their patterns and routines. Having a newborn can really change things up, even for young parents. Imagine old ones who are set in their ways and needing naps themselves! But God had a plan for Isaac, just as he has had for Abraham, the other Bible heroes we read about, and for us. We will see Isaac’s life unfold in the days ahead. Continue reading “Genesis 21:1-21 – Welcome Isaac!”

Genesis 20:1-18 – Didn’t He Learn His Lesson?

Read Genesis 20:1-18

This seems like a very familiar situation doesn’t it? Apparently, Abraham didn’t learn the first time they tried this. You will recall they were run out of town  in Chapter 12 when in  Egypt.  While they are half  brother and sister because they share the same father, they are also married. God is using this couple, and Abraham must have forgotten to trust God. Didn’t he know that God would look out for them?

Abraham also miscalculated the king’s integrity.  You wonder how Sarah felt about all of this. Thankfully, God was working in King Abimelech’s heart to keep him from sinning. Do you ever wonder how often God intercedes for us to keep us from doing the wrong thing when put in a bad situation?  Continue reading “Genesis 20:1-18 – Didn’t He Learn His Lesson?”

Genesis 19:30-38 – Plot Twist

Read Genesis 19:30-38

This is one of those stories that leaves me scratching my head. Really? There’s something like this in the Bible? But it is here, and we can’t just sweep it under the rug because it rubs us wrong. Maybe I don’t understand why it’s here. There is always a lesson to be learned and a truth to be revealed in Scripture.

In our last reading, we saw how Lot and his daughters were rescued from the destruction of Sodom, a sexually permissive town. They were able to take refuge, temporarily, in the town of Zoar. We’re not told why Lot was afraid of the people there, but he took his girls and went to live in a cave. Now, one might ask, why didn’t he return to Uncle Abraham? That would certainly have been a better option than a cave. But that’s not how the story goes. Continue reading “Genesis 19:30-38 – Plot Twist”

Genesis 19:1-29 – Get Out

Read Genesis 19:1-29

Again Abraham protects his nephew. Actually, we saw that in yesterday’s reading when Lot questioned God about destroying Sodom if there were righteous people there. Abraham knew his nephew would be killed if the city weren’t spared. God knew why Abraham was so interested in Sodom. God was merciful that day. Lot’s wife, on the other hand, did not obey what they were told, and she didn’t make it to safety.

But Lot and his two daughters did arrive in the small town Lot had asked for. They were safe. But can you imagine what they were going through? They had just been uprooted from their home, their wife and mother had died, and presumably, the fiances of Lot’s daughter also perished. To know that everything that was familiar had been destroyed. What would that feel like? Continue reading “Genesis 19:1-29 – Get Out”


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