1 Samuel 23:15-29 – The Chase

Read 1 Samuel 23:15-29

It’s almost like cat and mouse game between Saul and David. It does almost seem like a game for Saul. A very dark game. Yet whether by David’s actions or not, David has yet to be caught or killed. Just when we think that Saul may be nearing the end of his patience, his anger and preoccupation escalating with every moment, the scene changes.

Saul is snapped back into the reality of the big picture. What good is a squabble regarding who is king if there is no Israel to lord over? The Philistines are a threat to deal with right away. His own personal vengeance will have to wait.

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1 Samuel 23:1-14 – Like Old Friends

Read 1 Samuel 23:1-14

What struck me in this reading is how the relationship between David and God seems so natural, almost like they’re old friends. I have not personally had a conversation like that with God where I am totally clear on a particular life or death, what should I do next, kind of question.

We see first the victory over the Philistines. We didn’t see David rushing ahead before God with confidence and might. David prayed. First and foremost we need to keep that model in mind. Before rushing forward with decisions in our life, we need to get on our knees.

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1 Samuel 22:1-23 – Loyalty & Lies

Read 1 Samuel 22:1-23

Have you ever said about someone, “(s)he hears only what (s)he wants to hear!” Well, Saul certainly heard what he wanted to hear that day. What a pity for how it all played out. If only Saul had been reasonable, he would have been able to see clearly what was happening. Misunderstandings and lies were responsible for the death of many priests that day.

Can’t you just picture the faces of those priests while Saul starts his rant? Ahimelech tried to reason with Saul, reminding him it was trustworthy and loyal David he was talking about. This message and plea of innocence would fall on Saul’s deaf ears as the pronouncement of death was made.

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1 Samuel 21:1-15 – On The Run!

Read 1 Samuel 21:1-15

loaf of bread with wheat in the background

David is on the run. Apparently, he left so quickly he had no protection nor any food. David knew he would find help from Ahimelech the priest. Yet we hear that Ahimelech “trembled” when he saw David. We are already starting to see that David is being recognized as a force.

This passage will be one that Jesus calls upon years later with his own disciples to make a point about the Sabbath (Matthew 12:1-8 and Luke 6:1-5). It was a big deal that the priest shared this bread with David. When this ceremonial bread is removed from the altar, it is usually given to the Levites. To paint the picture, fresh bread will be laid on the altar of the temple every Sabbath. So, the stale bread was now available for the priests on duty, but Ahimelech gave a portion to David (not a priest)!

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1 Samuel 20:24-42 – No Doubt About It!

Read 1 Samuel 20:24-42

Hand doing the "ok" sign, with sunlight streaming from behind, right in the circle of the O.

If there was any doubt about whether Saul was serious about killing David, those doubts can be laid to rest. I was so thankful Jonathan and David met before this scene to make the plan they had for this very scenario.

David used the wisdom from God when he called out that Saul’s anger at the news would surely indicate his intent was to kill David. Saul’s anger seemed to erupt and flow towards his own son! Thankfully that spear missed its mark. Saul mustn’t be a very good aim, or God is just a much better spotter! (I think the latter!)

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