1 Corinthians 5:1-13 – Community Discipline

Read 1 Corinthians 5:1-13

This chapter was a little confusing to me, so I’ve read some other translations and looked at some commentaries.  If you have access to those, sometimes it can help when a passage is somewhat confusing or hard to understand.  A lot of times, we find that things in the context to the time written differ from what we know today. Paul’s words to the Corinthians have taken a different turn, almost a turn of admonition. What I take away from this is that it is not our place to judge non-believers of their sins, but when a believer, or person who “claims” to be a believer sins, then that is a different story.  I suppose a believer should “know better”.  

Here Paul is speaking to the young church giving them direction in how we should live and what is acceptable behavior for believers in the church. An extreme example would be that we wouldn’t want an axe murderer teaching the Bible (if they were still killing people). We are called to judge them and according to this reading, “as the Scriptures say, ‘You must remove the evil person from among you.’”

The example here, of a man living in sin, or having relations with his father’s wife, speaks to adultery.  It is also against Scriptural references in the book of Deuteronomy. We know adultery to be frowned upon, one of the ten commandments, and the Corinthian church was not paying attention to these laws or didn’t think they applied to them.

So what happens when we throw this man out of the church fellowship? Where does he go? It says to “hand him over to Satan so his sinful nature will be destroyed and he can be saved.”  Again, I feel like I am missing something, maybe in context, maybe in the ways of the day.  How does handing someone over to Satan make them clean? Only Jesus can forgive, right?  The act of “handing over to Satan” is actually a way of exposing the sin and by that act, and the redemption of Christ, this man may repent and turn from his sin.

Then Paul goes on and reminds us that he warned us to avoid people, in particular only believers, who sin sexually, and then he adds more, those who are greedy, cheaters, abusive, drunkard or those who worship idols. He told us we really couldn’t avoid non-believers who do those same things, but we should not “associate” with believers who do.  This is clearly speaking to the Corinthians and the types of behavior they were seeing at the time.  How true that list is still today!

Paul was trying to help the church set standards.  The church should have the authority to discipline and expect the believers to understand right from wrong.  We are sinful and need a Savior, but the purpose of this writing to give churches the authority to discipline those who flagrantly misbehave.  One might say that the fact our churches don’t exercise this discipline, tending toward “tolerance”, would suggest unfaithfulness. What do you think?

What area of your life needs some cleansing?  Are you struggling with something, a habit, an addiction, laziness, greed, gossip or worry?  Turn that over to God and ask for his help.

Let’s pray.  Lord, we should all be more mindful of our behavior and how we are seen by the world. Forgive our churches for looking the other way at times and not disciplining us when our behavior is sinful.  Help us find loving ways to help other believers understand your truth and your justice.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

1 Corinthians 4:1-21 – God’s Gift

Read 1 Corinthians 4:1-21

I can only do my best.  The Lord will be the final judge, to examine me, my heart, my ways.  My job is to follow him, acknowledge him as Lord of my life, and thank him for his grace and forgiveness….every day of my life, every moment of my being.  He has given me everything.  So while my conscience is clear, most days, God will be the final judge of my worthiness.

God has gifted us with so much, not only my physical, material goods, but my spiritual gifts. He has given me passions and skills, and the key is “given”, they are gifts.  “All good gifts around me, are sent from heaven above”, the lyrics to a familiar song.  How many times do we take for granted all that we have?  I just need to slow down, empty my cluttered head, and truly relish all the gifts God has given me.  When I do that, there is such a feeling of gratitude.  How can I not act in ways that are pleasing, how can I not jump for joy at the thought of a loving God who wants to give me good things, how can I not shout from the mountain tops that EVERYONE needs to know this awesome God. Yet, I sit here quietly at my computer….

It’s fear I think.  Fear of judgment, fear of being laughed at, lose a job all because I started singing or dancing with the joy inside me.  So we contain ourselves, I think that’s the best way to describe it.  I contain my exuberance, and in so doing, the potential to be transparent vanishes or at least is not as visible.  To be treated like garbage, as this passage suggests, I’m not sure I worry about that, but maybe I do.  I know that I am more valuable than garbage.  God doesn’t make junk after all.  

So, how do we respond to what God has given?  Ponder this

I do know that I want people I come in contact with to know, without a doubt, that there is something different about me, that there is something alive and vibrant, a sense of confidence.  Where does that come from, why does it happen? It’s because I am assured of my salvation.  If only that light in me will open doors to speak, I hope and pray for those moments.

Let’s pray.  Lord, help me to stay focused on you and not on what the world around me might think.  Use me and the talents you have given me to make this world a better place.  Help me not to judge others for how they act or what they say and remember that you are the only judge. Thank you for the many blessings you bestow.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

1 Corinthians 3:1-23 – Teamwork

Read 1 Corinthians 3:1-23

Do you see it?  The theme running through this passage is: teamwork. Our team’s goal is to bring others into relationship with Jesus. We can’t take credit for the growth, but we are called to plant and water.  It really bothers me when I hear people say “I brought so-and-so to the Lord.” No, YOU did not.  You may have helped in some way, but it was NOT YOU! How arrogant!!  Maybe they just don’t know any better or really believe that it is all about them? I suppose I need to just get over it, and worry about myself, make sure I don’t make that same mistake and take credit for something I didn’t do.  Semantics really.  Only God can grow the heart to the point where there is no question.  God grows us so that to follow Jesus becomes non-negotiable, a no-brainer, something we must do, something we can no longer live without.  

To be sure, to be used by God, to be part of a person’s story of redemption and salvation is an honor beyond compare.  More times than not we don’t know how our actions have impacted the lives of those around us. It doesn’t matter, we don’t need to see the outcome, we just need to plant and water.  Our seeds may be planted years before any true transformation takes place.  So, we can’t focus on the results.

So if my job is to plant seeds, I need to look at those around me and get busy.  Where do you see a need or hunger?  Who is empty and feeling alone because they don’t have the love of Christ burning inside?  Maybe it’s the youth at church, maybe it’s someone at the nursing home, maybe it’s your neighbor?  Take a moment now to thank God for such an opportunity to be planting seeds. What a privilege.  

For years, I would do the children’s sermon during our worship time on Sunday mornings.  Gotta love those seeds.  Those young hearts were very open, and it wasn’t because sometimes I had candy or other surprises. But when I stop and think – oh my — such responsibility to be a sower of seeds! But no, I need to focus on providing good seed, very good seed, others will water and God will grow.  I know that.  I trust that.  How about you?  Are you sowing and watering the seeds?

That same Spirit that is at work to grow others is also in me and you. Because he takes up residence inside me, I want for his home to be the most comfortable, most healthy place it can be.  My body, the temple of God.  Can you even imagine that.  God lives in me!  How can I be worthy? I need to really wrap my head around that.

It saddens me when I look around at the gluttony and selfishness of people in this world.  God lives there, too.  Those temples are in a bit of ruin or disrepair.  I want to shout, “Don’t you know your body is a temple for God?  Do you really think you’re giving God the best place to dwell?” My body is not perfect, but I’m working on that, too. But, holiness.  Me? Crazy, I don’t feel holy.  What does that even feel like?  

And finally, the other verse that really spoke to me today, that EVERYTHING belongs to me, I belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God. There is certainly a lot of belonging going on, but what a peace and joy the thought of that brings.  Right?  In the midst of any struggle, any despair, any state of questioning “why am I here”, the mere promise that everything belongs to me, that I belong to Jesus, and Jesus belongs to God. By association, I belong to God, too!  I am not a lone wolf out here.  I belong even when I feel alone.  Even when I look around and am not surrounded by a ton of friends, busy with going this way or that, posting new adventures, meeting new people.  I still belong to the God, the Almighty, the King of Kings, my Heavenly Father.

Let’s pray.  Thank you for your word today.  There is so much I feel convicted of in just these few verses. Reveal yourself to me today. May I be prepared to plant and water seeds where you show me the need. Thank you for the assurance that you live in me and that I belong to you.  I am empowered by your holiness.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

1 Corinthians 2:6-16 – Truth Revealed

Read 1 Corinthians 2:6-16

This is a bit hard to grasp, I think, but that’s what the mystery of God is all about.  We cannot fully grasp his greatness in this world, and what we are able to discern does not come from us but from what the Spirit reveals to us.

Are you like me?  Did you think — “Sometimes I don’t understand, so maybe I’m not spiritual enough?”  Those who are not in Christ, are therefore not privy to the “hints” of the Spirit.  In fact, those who are not in Christ may think we are crazy, because they can’t understand.  Spiritual truth has not been revealed to them.

I feel sad for the “rulers of this world” and others who do not know Christ.  They are losing out and have no clue.  It says if they had, they would not have crucified our Lord.  I don’t know about that, because I thought that Christ came from the Father to die, those people had to be blind to the truth to make the story play out as it was intended.  Was a different ending meant to take place?    

One of my favorite passages is nestled in today’s reading. “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.” I hadn’t read it in context before, or if I had, I don’t recall it speaking to me like this.  What thoughts came to your mind when reading that passage?  Ponder that for just a moment before going on.

I like the truth of those words just fine without the context, and it brings to mind another favorite verse with much the same flavor.  That is Romans 8:28…”And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  So, likewise, because God’s spirit is whispering the truth to us, we know that God is working for us, those who love him.  God is working to prepare something really amazing for those of us who love him.  It would seem to me that loving God is a good thing, a very good thing.

Let’s pray.  Thank you, God for your provisions and for the wisdom you give to us.  I pray for those who do not know you because they are lost and in the dark.  They don’t realize what they are missing in being your follower. Help me see the needs of these people, and may my life be a good reflection to help draw them to you.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5 – Wisdom of God

Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5

Wow, these verses really spoke to me. Our human minds are so limited, yet don’t we all think we’re the greatest thing since sliced bread?  Don’t we marvel at what we can accomplish, where the world is on a technological front?  

It says right here that with our limited human brains we can’t begin to understand God and his mightiness.  God designed it that way. When we think of the majesty of God, our minds truly do get overwhelmed quite quickly.  How can we begin to fathom the vastness of our world, our galaxy, and all of the complexities that God so perfectly created?  

Do you know what?  This same God loves us; how crazy is that? But Christ is the power and wisdom of God, and we are united with him! Yes, and yes!!!  Only through Christ can we know and experience God.  Only through Christ can we have the power we need.  Only through Christ can we live forever!  

How I feel for the foolish who don’t know this truth–who don’t know that Jesus is the truth.  Jesus is the ONLY way.  

Let’s pray.  Lord help me be a light today to help others know this truth. Prepare their hearts to hear and feel this message of love from you. Thank you for the wisdom and strength you gave me, yet help me remember that your wisdom and strength are what I yearn for.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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