Numbers 20:14-21 – Turned Away

Read Numbers 20:14-21

Moses was polite and considerate in asking permission of Edom’s king. I thought the reply back was a little harsh, didn’t you? If the trek was to begin to the Promised Land, the best route would have taken this mass of people through the lands of Edom and Moab. Apparently there was even a “highway” that would make the journey even easier. But the king said, “No way!”

Moses believed they would have had a warmer welcome because they were “relatives.” After all, the Israelites and the Edomites were from the same ethnic background. The Bible stories of Jacob (the Father of Israel) had a brother, Esau, who became the father of Edom. Continue reading “Numbers 20:14-21 – Turned Away”

Numbers 20:1-13 – One Wrong Move

Read Numbers 20:1-13

Moses has been so obedient up to now. What happened that he decided to do something other than what God had commanded? That one slip up cost Moses dearly. He will never himself see the Promised Land God promised his people. It was more than a “slip up” though, wasn’t it?

Moses and Aaron did so much right in this instance. When the people continued to challenge them and the LORD’s provision, Moses and Aaron went immediately to the Tabernacle and humbled themselves before the LORD to wait for direction. “Then the glorious presence of the Lord appeared to them.” Imagine the rush of excitement to again be in the presence of the LORD! Continue reading “Numbers 20:1-13 – One Wrong Move”

Numbers 19:1-22 – Purification is a Big Deal

Read Numbers 19:1-22

This isn’t the only place the Bible speaks of the importance of purification. You may recall Leviticus 11-15 as well as a couple other places in the law of Moses. However, it is my understanding this is the only account that talks about the red heifer. An interesting reference to be sure! While color usually didn’t matter for animal sacrifice, this one must be perfect and resemble the color of blood.

The mere necessity to talk about touching dead people in more than one Biblical text leads me to believe it was a big deal in those days. Was it a “thing” for people go around touching dead people? What made it so defiling? Perhaps these texts are the reason I have never touched a dead person, and I’ve had plenty of loved ones go before me. Continue reading “Numbers 19:1-22 – Purification is a Big Deal”

Numbers 18:1-32 – Serving God

Read Numbers 18:1-32

I really admire Moses and Aaron for their leadership. We’ve been reading about how unappreciated they were due to jealousies and misunderstandings. Thankfully God was there to fight their battles. In our text today, God’s words further set out the divine expectations and regulations that Aaron as priest, and Moses as a Levite, must live by. Do you think they felt honored by God’s provision?

There had to be a lot of pressure to do the right thing. Can you imagine if Aaron and his descendants mishandled anything they had been entrusted, death could result for them and anyone else involved? It’s hard for us to fully grasp the responsibility they were given because our way of doing things today is so much different. Continue reading “Numbers 18:1-32 – Serving God”

Numbers 17:1-13 – The Blooming Staff

Read Numbers 17:1-13

The people just didn’t get it, did they? God was leaving no room for doubt about Aaron’s position in the priesthood. It was God’s plan. I love seeing God work in mighty ways. Imagine seeing almonds sprouting on a wood cutting over night! Only God could make such a bold proclamation.

Yet rather than marvel in that and set aside their grievance, the people chose to cling to their fear and anger. Why do people do that, turning away from the peace and mercy of our Lord. What that looks like in our own situation will be different than seeing a broken twig produce fruit. God meant that sign to bring assurance, not fuel their worries. Continue reading “Numbers 17:1-13 – The Blooming Staff”


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