What more did God need to do to get their attention? I don’t think we should be pointing any fingers. What sorts of ways does God use now to capture our awareness of his presence?
The examples we see here don’t elicit pleasant experiences at all. God seems to be hoping that when his people feel weak and defeated, they will turn to him for help. God was taking credit for in his proclamation from Amos.
I know it’s in times of struggle and confusion that I tend to reach out to God. Cry out to him, really! But it wasn’t always that way. For years I felt abandoned by God or at least he wasn’t in my life regularly. It was my fault, not His! When bad things happened in “those days,” I would grumble and stumble but have no joy.
When we reach out to God in times of need, we are likely to receive one thing for sure—the joy of the Lord’s salvation. We are always reminded that no matter how big our problem is, our God is bigger. We can rest in the assurance that Jesus paid the price for us, and our future with him is secure. If that thought doesn’t bring joy (different from happiness), I don’t know what can.
But the Israelites didn’t turn to God when the going got rough. What do you think kept them from seeking God in those horrendous times?
When people ask how God can allow bad things to happen, do you think it’s often because we need a correction? That’s a tough one that I’m not sure about. I know for sure that God walks with us through all of those situations even if we don’t acknowledge him. It’s so much easier when we have the sense of peace which comes from knowing we’re not alone.
I like the way this chapter concludes. “For the LORD is the one who shaped the mountains, stirs up the winds, and reveals his thoughts to mankind.” We don’t have to worry. God will reveal his plans to us, we just need to trust and wait. It helps to ask, too. This is a good reminder to me that God loves our conversations, too. I can’t forget to ask him to reveal to me the solutions I need.
Are you struggling with something right now? Have you asked God into the situation? Are you listening for his response, his way out?

Let’s pray. Lord, I need you. I’m feeling weak and unsure about a situation. I turn over this whole matter to you and thank you that you have already made things right. Give me patience to wait for that to be revealed. Thank you for the battles you fight for me each day. I am forever grateful. In Jesus’ name. Amen.