Acts 9:32-43 – Peter Did What?

Read Acts 9:32-43

Don’t you love the word, “meanwhile?” If you’ve been following the readings in Acts, we have focused most recently on Saul and the events preceding and following his conversion. Those things are happening in Damascus and Jerusalem. “Meanwhile,” Peter is doing his ministry along the coast. I love how the disciples have separated to reach more and more people. That’s their calling. They are to go to the ends of the earth. By the way, we have this same calling.

Peter has a true gift of healing, and people recognize it. Jesus’ spirit is alive and well, manifesting itself in Peter. In the name of Jesus there is healing. It’s God’s power at work, not Peter’s. Jesus used Peter for several miracles in today’s reading. Even Dorcas was brought back to life. God has a wonderful way of using situations to draw attention to himself to bring people to believe in him. The people were amazed and the church continues to grow.

Some people today would ask why miracles don’t happen anymore. I believe miracles do happen. Unfortunately, the news reports monopolizing the airwaves tend to focus on evil in the world. There is an abundance of that, wouldn’t you agree? For those who have been healed, or miraculously restored in some way, life has taken on new meaning. Those close to them would certainly testify, but we don’t hear unless it goes viral on  social media! God is certainly moving, we may simply need to be on the watch.

What do you think when you hear about Peter healing people with Jesus’ power? I know for me, I wish that power coursed through my veins. So far in my life, I can’t say that the power of Jesus in me has brought forth a physical healing. I still ask him to heal and strengthen others and always trust he will use me when needed. He has gifted me in other ways to further his kingdom. How is Jesus using you?

Another helpful take-away is that Peter does not toot his own horn. He never takes credit for the mighty acts of God happening before him. Claiming the glory for what God is doing and has done is a dangerous trap we need to avoid. It would be easy to let such things feed our own ego. That’s what Satan would want to encourage. Always be gracious and give God the glory when he is working through you.

If you are still unclear about how you fit in to God’s story, or how he could ever use you, spend some time asking him to show you where your passions and gifts lie. Then look for opportunities to share that passion.

Let’s pray. Lord thank you for how you are using me. Don’t ever let me lose sight of where my power and gifts come from. You have given me so much to be thankful for. Even when I don’t ask you seem to provide. You reward my faithful behavior in ways that astound me at times. It’s such a joy and privilege to call myself a daughter of the king. May I behave in ways that honor you, bless your name, and bring a smile to your face. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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