Numbers 11:16-30 – God’s Solution

outline of a man standing in darkness with a bright light of a cross on his chest and power charges coming off his body

Read Numbers 11:16-30

God’s solution has always been the Holy Spirit. Moses had already been gifted the Spirit’s power and protection. Because Moses was feeling overwhelmed (remember our previous reading), God listened and responded to Moses’ desperate cries for help.

Can you imagine having seventy helpers? Granted, Moses’ job was never-ending, having to keep track of all the tribes of Israel stuck in the wilderness. God chose that one man, Moses, but the Holy Spirit was also at work. Still, only one man doing the work to oversee and lead thousands is quite a big ask. God knew what he was doing in choosing Moses.

Thankfully Moses didn’t choose to wallow in self-pity when he cried out to God for help. He wasn’t too proud to admit his weakness. Think about your own situation. Sometimes we try to put on that brave face and go through all life’s hurdles and twists on our own. Maybe it’s the big responsibility you have as a parent or a boss or a student. We are all given jobs to do for God.

It’s all about the Holy Spirit. God has given the spirit to us, too, so we can be equipped for those jobs he’s given us. I have to believe it was for the same reason Moses was given that day when God said, “so you will not have to carry it alone.” We know it’s the Holy Spirit that fills and empowers us. Moses had the Holy Spirit, too, and so did the 70 helpers.

There’s an interesting dynamic in this reading with all sorts of stories coming together. There’s a huge future telling about the meat that’s on the way. We’ll read about that in the next reading. But it’s big. The people needed to be purified to receive this gift.

Again, God was listening! Were the people going to be grateful or would they just find something new to complain about. That was absolutely a concern. That whole discussion made me think of how people constantly chase their happiness by buying new things thinking that will bring contentment. Sadly, such items seldom remain fulfilling.

We see mention of Moses’ long-time assistant, Joshua. This is the same man who will go on to write the book of Joshua. Those Bible passages tell Joshua’s story which picks up where Moses’ story ends. It’s cool to see this exchange between mentor and future leader.

Finally, I agree with Moses’ indication that it would be nice if everyone was a prophet. Such a world would be full of people who loved God and were being used by him. Being a prophet is one of those jobs God assigns. But it’s only one job out of many, so in reality God wouldn’t choose to have everyone be a prophet.

But you can be sure of one thing, that God wants to use you for his purposes. Maybe he’s been using you your whole life or maybe you’re still trying to figure out what you could possibly do to help God or his people. Spend time today reflecting and asking the Holy Spirit to reveal wisdom to you about your calling. Don’t forget to listen and watch.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Lord, thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to guide and empower me for service. Help me to not forget I have access to that power to lead my life in the right direction. May I carry your message of love into the world wherever you lead. May everything I say and do be honoring to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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