Psalm 46 – Our Fortress

castle on a hill at sunset

Read Psalm 46

God is “always” ready to help the psalmist says. Do you believe that, too? It is certainly knowledge to cling to in the uncertain world we live in. Our confidence can soar when we think of how God wants to be in relationship with us.

One of my favorite verses comes from this psalm. However, knowing the whole context of the psalm gives it a bit of a different flavor than how I usually focus on the direction. Verse 10 says, “Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” The first part of this verse calling us to “be still” was the inspiration for my devotional blog.

If you’re like me, you sometimes find it hard to close out the noise of the world so that God’s voice can be heard. This verse always grounds me, reminding me the importance of being quiet. However, this psalm speaks of so much more than that. Don’t miss out on the beauty of this psalm in its entirety.

When we take the whole psalm and see how God is truly our refuge and strength, being still in his presence seems like the obvious thing to do. Who wouldn’t want to bask in God’s glory, his protection, or his provision?

Verse 10 alone paints a beautiful picture of all people bowing down before God, giving him the honor and praise he deserves. Can you imagine a world like that? The elections of nations would certainly look different. Wars would end, and all power plays would cease. Sounds like heaven, doesn’t it?

We are never alone. God is here. The psalmist concludes the psalm with this amazing promise. “The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress.” Imagine how the truth of this verse could encourage and empower you when you’re feeling weak and unsure. Have you ever thought of God as your “fortress”?

If we trust that God is here among us, what happens to our worries and fears? We tend to build walls around our hearts and minds to keep evil out. With the God as our fortress and strength, we don’t need those barriers. We are allowed to be ourselves. Are you living as your authentic self these days? Will claiming the promises of this psalm help you be more prepared for each day?

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Lord, I thank you I can come to you as my refuge and strength. You will uphold me and help me navigate the rough waters. Help me do a better job of clearing my crowded head and shutting out the noise of the world so I can focus on you. Help me to see the opportunities you open to me to share about you and your love. There are too many people that just don’t realize the depth of your love for them. May I stand firm in my faith as I shine for you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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