Ezekiel 34:11-24 – The Good Shepherd

ai generated shepherd and sheep

Read Ezekiel 34:11-24

As I was reading along in today’s text, I couldn’t help but notice how the 23rd psalm that we closed our last reflection with was ringing through the word pictures. The pastures of rest sound delightful! God being the one to search for us sounded like a prophecy of Jesus. There’s just a lot in this passage to unpack and reflect upon.

Of course, one can’t forget Jesus’ teaching that aligns with these words of sorting. In Matthew 28:31-32, Jesus is explaining what will happen when he returns. Jesus says, “But when the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit upon his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered in his presence, and he will separate the people as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.” I couldn’t help but think of those words when reading Ezekiel’s message. Another connection to Scripture!

In John 10:11-21, Jesus describes himself as the Good Shepherd. Don’t you love it when Old Testament prophecy speaks of New Testament reality. I’m sure Ezekiel would be humbled to have carried such a profound and powerful message. We’re holding on to a powerful message too, the one of redemption, freedom, and life.

Do you encounter push-back when you share your faith and belief in Scriptural truth? Many today are still under attack or simply ignored. Ezekiel would have known the heartache mixed with ridicule. This message had to be like a cozy warm blanket to him knowing that God was going to rescue those faithful ones who had wandered off or been taken away like him. God would never have forgotten the faithful. But caught up in the moment, it is sometimes hard to see past the struggle.

Those rescued sheep would know God and recognize his voice. Peace is promised for those who trust and remain faithful. It’s the ones who live life full of things other than God who need to be careful. This prophecy of promise is not for them.

The end surprised me with the reference to David in a prophecy given so many years after David would have lived and penned his 23rd psalm. Yet the connection is terrific. This prophecy fulfills all that has been promised in David’s writings. The good shepherd will also be fulfilled in Jesus coming, Jesus being in the line of David. You’ll recall God had promised David there would always be a king in his family line, and Jesus is our forever king.

While there is still a tinge of judgment in this reading, I feel more a sense of peace and comfort. God’s grace for those faithful ones will be displayed when he does come to seek and save. Jesus comes for the lost sheep, but all of us who hear his voice can follow.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. LORD, thank you for being the shepherd who came to find me and rescue me from destruction. This promise you made to bring us home is so refreshing. I pray for those who need your inspiration and guidance. Help me to do a better job at observing the rest I need in you. I cherish each moment spent with you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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