Ezekiel 34:25-31 – Covenant of Peace

peace sign made out of flowers on a colorful background

Read Ezekiel 34:25-31

This is a very hopeful message for people everywhere, not just those living during Ezekiel’s day. It clearly points to the new covenant ushered in by Jesus. Yet, it doesn’t appear this moment has fully arrived yet. God’s people, Israel, remain in bondage of one sort or another. Looking over the history of the Jewish people, never has there been a time of such peace and harmony as described here.

Perfect peace is more than just the absence of war. The peace described here is complete harmony between man and nature as well as a between all people. God is present and recognized. This promise is one we can all cling to. There will be a day when harmony like this will come to pass.

Whether we see it in our lifetime or not doesn’t matter. We have the hope to get us through each struggle, each attack, each frustration with the world. There will be a time when we will finally feel safe and secure. No “maybe” about it! What a message for those in captivity or wandering around the wilderness, unsure of their future! While it’s not one of the top five basic human needs (food, water, shelter, clothing, and sleep), feeling safe could be #6!

For now, we seek contentment, and Jesus is our prince of peace. Another prophet, Isaiah living many years before Ezekiel, said this about Jesus. “For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” This covenant promise from Ezekiel is the hope of peace yet to come for all of God’s people, and life with Jesus is where it begins.

Jesus spoke of peace several times during his ministry. One of my favorite verses is from John 16:33. Jesus said, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” The peace Jesus brings sustains us through the hard times. Jesus’ peace lives inside us.

If you’re struggling with something right now and feel like your life is out of control, meditate on Jesus’ promise. He has “overcome the world” and that includes the mess you feel stuck in. You are not alone at this moment. Lean into Jesus’ power, the Holy Spirit, and feel the peace. Your struggle may not vanish, but you will have peace.

Ezekiel’s descriptions of this restoration are encouraging. The LORD is going to break our chains of bondage so we can be free. What does that mean for you? The LORD is going to provide “bumper crops,” an abundance of blessings will overflow. No more fear, no more bullies, no more suffering. It sounds a bit like heaven, doesn’t it? This has all been promised to us.

Once again, God wants to be known. His desire has been a common theme in these prophecies. When is the last time you noticed God moving? In our youth group, we call these “God Sightings” or “Avisamientos de Dios.” Don’t let a day go by that you aren’t looking for God’s blessings in your life or in the world.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. LORD, thank you for the assurances in your Word that wash over me and give me hope. Help me to keep my eyes open to see you moving in this world and in my life. Thank you that each “sighting” brings me peace and joy. I don’t want to miss a moment of time I can spend with you. Help me shut out the distractions and focus on your promises. May I always be grateful for all your provisions. You know what’s best for me, and I am always amazed and grateful for your presence. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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