Ezekiel 27:26-36 – Missing the Happy Ending

crafty chalkboard on the wall with the word HAPPY written in chalk

Read Ezekiel 27:26-36

After our last reading almost applauded the seaport of Tyre, we see the true fate of this key city. This message of God’s doom for Tyre comes in the form of a poem or song of lament. The people of Tyre missed out on their happy ending.

The perspective of these observations comes from outsiders looking in. What do they see? Signs that a bustling city has been destroyed and has vanished. I think of how storm surges these days level cities so that only foundations remain. Evidence that life once thrived in this place.

What does this say to us? Perhaps that strong and mighty kingdoms and civilizations can and will fall when God is not ruling in the hearts of men. The people of Tyre were putting their confidence in commerce and being in the right place at the right time. Serving the Sovereign LORD was probably the farthest thing on their minds.

It does us good to remember the creator of all that exists. Are we being good stewards with all that God has entrusted to us? How do we reflect God in our business transactions and activities of daily living? Are our intentions pure and God honoring or do we seek riches for personal gain alone?

Many people struggle with materialism or the accumulation of wealth. In our most recent trip to the United States, I was appalled by some of the sights I saw where people were flaunting their wealth. I suppose it was a bit of culture shock for me living as a missionary here in Mexico and seeing poverty on a whole new level.

Wealth is not a bad thing, don’t get me wrong. It’s when the wealthy forget they are only stewards of God’s property. It all comes back to the heart and our allegiance. Even the wealthy will miss out on their happy ending if their faith is in anything other than our saving grace, Jesus Christ.

In his sermon on the mount, Jesus declared in Matthew 6:33, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” If we truly believe Jesus, God is already #1 in our lives. We don’t seek the approval of others first or seek the most popular answers so we can fit in.

Who is ruling in your heart? Don’t miss out on your happy ending.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. LORD, you are king over all things and ruler of my heart. Help me to always put you first. I know I sometimes slip and let my own pride or desire to be liked cloud my judgment. Help me to control those tendencies and be strong, relying only on your mighty power. You have promised me such a great inheritance, and I look forward to my happy ending of spending eternity with you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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