Ezekiel 27:1-25 – Is a Good Reputation Enough?

God's got the world in his hands ready to share with us

Read Ezekiel 27:1-25

Tyre sounds like quite the bustling port city, seeing wealth and making trades most people in the region would only dream of. From the LORD’s description, Tyre was well respected had quite a lot to boast about. Having a good reputation is key in a lot of areas of life.

Yes, this is the same nation that our last reading plans to destroy. It’s good for us to get a glimpse of life in those days. There was no internet sales or drop shipping. We still see trade by import/export these days, but generally there is some sort of currency involved. I can only imagine a day when you’d trade a loaf of bread for a dozen eggs, depending on what you produced and needed.

It’s a good reminder to see days like this. There’s a lot of beauty in that sort of commerce. It’s almost like a dance. Everyone is looking for the right partner to do business with. And all these transactions were happening in the town of Tyre, strategically located on the banks of the Mediterranean Sea. It was a very key location and the people of Tyre were good businessmen.

We’ve already read how they displeased God. So their future was shaky and these “good old days” would soon be coming to an end. If they paid attention at all to the words spoken through Ezekiel, they would soon be watching over their shoulders as they rejoiced in their good fortune.

The LORD was aware of the good reputation the people of Tyre had in those days. It didn’t matter to him. Their good standing in the community won’t matter when the LORD’s promised destruction comes.

Similarly, some people today mistakenly think that just being good will get them into heaven. Being good is not a bad thing. But doing good things and being a nice person is not exactly what God is looking for in those bound for eternal life. God is looking for our faithfulness and trust. Do we rely on him for our salvation? Are we clear that Jesus is the only way, just like he said in John 14:6. “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”

That’s the message for today. Reflect on Jesus being our way to the Father. The people of Tyre were reputable people, but that wasn’t enough to save them. More on that in our next reading.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. LORD, thank you for sending Jesus as our only way to eternal life. Help me to be more like Him in how I serve and love others. I know I’ll still strive to do good things, but that’s in response to my love and respect for you, dear Father. Guide my steps and fill my mouth. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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