Ezekiel 15:1-8 – Wood of the Vine

large orange tree

Read Ezekiel 15:1-8

Normally, when we think about a vine in Biblical terms, we imagine it bearing fruit or talking about Jesus, the “true vine.” Yet Ezekiel’s message is not dealing with fruit at all, In fact, the LORD surprisingly said, “Vines are useless both before and after being put into the fire!”

Other Biblical references speak of the “fruit of the vine” or bearing fruit, but Ezekiel’s vines don’t appear to be fruitful. When compared to a mighty tree of the forest, the wood of a vine would be pretty wimpy or useless for tasks known to be handled well by other wood sources, like trees.

Why did God use this example? Probably because vineyards were common in those days—it would be familiar. But also, referring to a vine deliberately woke up the Israelites in Jerusalem, those that believed they were immune to God’s wrath because of their birthright.

But these chosen ones had become useless, bearing no fruit while living sinful lives apart from God. I know for certain that I don’t want to be seen as “useless.” What happens to withered branches? They are thrown into the fire! Isn’t that exactly what God warned would happen to these distracted and rebellious children of God?

God’s anger would play out just as Ezekiel said. Do you ever feel like you are surrounded by people who are blinded and driven by their sinful desires at the expense of every having a relationship with God? Anyone that misses out on that relationship has missed a fulfilled life. A life filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.

Ezekiel’s contemporaries didn’t know about all those “perks” I suppose. They thought their success and happiness would come from things of this world doled out by the dark side, the devil. They didn’t comprehend the inheritance they were walking away from by turning away from God and not listening to his warning to repent. Many today are in the same boat as those unbelievers back then. How does God feel about them?

Ezekiel spoke God’s words warning of the severity of his judgment. If the people balked at these words as they came out of Ezekiel’s mouth, the LORD would soon show them they should have paid attention. There will be no question who is responsible when the truth has already been spoken.

This vision is determined to reveal God’s power. When Jesus declares he’s the true vine in John 15:1. Continuing in verse 5 Jesus says, “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” Jesus gives us access to the greatest power of all. The message I’m reflecting on today is from John’s passage. I want to abide in Christ and be useful, bearing fruit that honors God.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. LORD, thank you for wanting to be connected to me. I yearn to stay connected to you, learning to be more like you every day. Abide in me, reveal yourself through me and my actions. Give me courage to declare your lordship over my life. Fill me with the words to help others be as bold. Use me and may I honor you in all I say and do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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