Nehemiah 2:1-10 – Ask Boldly

lion roaring against black background

Read Nehemiah 2:1-10

Just picture this scene happening. Nehemiah has clearly been lamenting over what is happening in his homeland. Now it’s starting to affect his work. His boss, the king, can see his sadness and inquires with compassion. It sounds like Nehemiah was shocked by the inquiry, not sure how much he should share.

With boldness after his initial fear, Nehemiah shares his desire to return to his homeland and make a difference there. Without hesitation it seems, the king granted Nehemiah’s request. God’s hand was working it all out. That had to be a great relief as well as inspiration to Nehemiah. Being used by God is exhilarating!

Nehemiah knew enough to ask the king for safe passage like the others before him had done. Again, these foreign kings supported the work of the LORD in Jerusalem, with divine intervention. Nehemiah was given the papers he’d need to alert and advise those officials he’d encounter along the way.

From the sounds of it, based on how this passage ends, Nehemiah’s arrival is not pleasing to some. We’ll have to see in the passages to come how Nehemiah is welcomed and what his first order of business will be.

In the meantime, how did this passage speak to you today? I often forge ahead, lost in the moment. When I run into roadblocks or even worse, dead ends, I often reflect on how I could have avoided such outcomes. This passage would suggest I’d have had more success if I had sought approval or permission before I acted.

Sometimes it works to ask for “forgiveness” rather than for “permission.” In matters of mission work or actions that further the kingdom of God, it’s always best to get approval first to be sure God is on the same page. We can waste a lot of time going down the wrong path when we act without getting God’s okay first.

There are plenty of things in our world today that could be weighing you down. Like Nehemiah, are you lamenting over something? Is God stirring in your heart to get involved to bring a solution? Don’t miss out on an opportunity to be used by God. When his hand is resting on you, you’ll be safely on your way.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowers

Let’s pray … Lord, you are all-knowing and in control of the universe and all that I can see. You are such an awesome God. When I see the injustice of our world and how evil is manipulating people to make bad choices, it breaks my heart. I want to be part of the solution, yet I don’t know where to begin. Equip me Lord for what you have for me to do. Remove any doubts or fear that might be holding me back. Give me boldness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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