Read Mark 9:33-37
Like willful children teasing each other about who is mom or dad’s favorite, the disciples were at odds amongst themselves. Wondering who was greatest, I have to assume, meant who did Jesus favor the most. I wonder what Jesus thought when they admitted to their squabble.
Jesus’ answer was clear and to the point. We, too, can see an opportunity to be great. What do we need to do to find this kind of favor? Jesus said, “Whoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of everyone else.” Do you think the disciples were a little shocked over this?
Most of the time, when you are seeking to be in first place or popular in your circle, you do something outstanding to get noticed. Are you seeking the approval of man? Are you working hard to find success in your life? What is the motivation for your preoccupation?
Success isn’t a bad thing. It’s the purpose of your desire for success that may be in question. Jesus wants us to be servant hearted and lead with that as our motivation. Think again about the goal you are working toward. Does it honor God?
Jesus used a little child to help illustrate how we should step aside and lead with a welcoming heart. Many people see children as “invisible” or believe they are better to be seen and not heard. Jesus would suggest otherwise. He wants us to welcome them as a way of welcoming him and our heavenly Father.
I can’t help but picture Jesus surrounded by children, all adoring him without reservation. Children model the innocence and pure devotion Jesus would like for us to have. When we welcome them, we can’t help but open our arms and hearts to love Jesus like they do.
While it might be a little awkward for us to sit on Jesus’ lap like children in the pictures, we can sit at his feet and worship him. We can bow down before him, empty ourselves of all our distractions, and pay attention only to Jesus. Jesus encourages us to embrace a childlike innocence and dependence on him in our lives.
It shouldn’t be hard for us to make these tweaks in our lives. Serving others and living a simple life focused on loving Jesus sounds pretty good to me. I remember when I was busy working full time and wearing all the hats a pastor’s wife wears, it was this passage that really encouraged me.
We can be busy and still do what Jesus is asking. In fact, if we do, our busy-ness becomes more enjoyable and fulfilling. When our lives honor God, the good feelings follow. What do you need to tweak a little to have the success God wants you to have?

Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for how you always provide for me. The provision may look different than I expected, but you are always faithful. Forgive me for those times when I let busyness get the best of me. I want to approach you with a servant heart. You know how much I already love and admire children and their innocence. Use me to touch others and point them toward your loving arms. In Jesus’ name. Amen.