Not only is this the longest Psalm, it is the longest chapter in the Bible. We will have several posts to break it up. It is never my intention to have a super long passage for these devotionals. It is always my hope that these will help you find time to be still in the Lord’s presence, easy to fit in to your day, or add to your other devotional activities. The important thing – BE STILL with God.
Our theme of obedience continues in the today’s stanzas. While each section has a similar theme, the voice seems to be just a little different. Kaph, for example, seems pretty forlorn and weary from fighting with the enemy, yet knows without a doubt that God’s commands are “trustworthy”.
We see struggles being faced here such as dealing with arrogant, wicked and evil people. This is not much different from what we encounter on a daily basis. I’m sure you can think of an arrogant person or two that you have had the opportunity to work with, be on a committee with, or have as a neighbor. While God certainly loves them, too, they can be disruptive and counterproductive when it comes to our faith. We have to pray for them to know God.
Likewise, those who do evil need our prayers. Those in harm’s way of evil need our prayers. Verse 61 says, “Evil people try to drag me into sin, but I am firmly anchored to your instructions.” We need to bury the word of God deep into our soul so that we are protected and “anchored” when under attack. Even in times or worry, we need to cry out as in verse 94, “I am yours; rescue me! For I have worked hard at obeying your commandments.” We need to be prepared and ready for the twists and turns of life by having hope in God’s Word and his promises and decrees.
What verse really spoke to you today? Are you being compelled to be more obedient?
Let’s pray. Father, forgive me for being a wayward child at times, going off on my own. I long to follow you and your will, for it is perfect. Help me to set aside my own arrogance and be an open vessel for you to fill. Work through me for your purposes. May I overflow with your compassion for those that are thirsty for you. Use me, strengthen me, cleanse me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.