Psalm 61 – Praise to our Rock

Read Psalm 61

This psalm reminds us we can call out to God from anywhere, anytime.  He has no boundaries.  “From  the ends of the earth” I will cry out.  What does that even mean?  No matter the location we are assured, as is the writer here, that God is our refuge and we can ask to live forever in his protection.

The psalmist speaks of an “inheritance”, and we, as Christians, know that inheritance to be eternal life with God.  I wonder what that meant to the writer?

Have you felt overwhelmed this week?  Let the comfort of verse 2 and 3 wash over you.  God is our rock and our salvation!

One thing that struck me with this psalm starts in verse 6.  The focus abruptly shifts to another person, the king.  No longer is the intimate cry between man and God, but man is asking God for help for someone else, a particular person.  I suppose that is not unlike our own prayer lives where we perhaps even have a list of people that we pray for with given concerns at any one time.  And in this case, the psalmist is looking out for the king.  In contrast to so many psalms where the psalmist is crying out for God’s wrath on his enemies.

The last line of the psalm reads, “Then I will always sing praises to your name.”  Did the word “then” catch for you too?  In checking the translation, it is a strong preposition suggesting the praise “relies” on God’s action first.  In other words, God moves, the psalmist sings praise.  For me, I want my heart to be praising God 24/7, not just when good things happen.  How about you?  Do you have a song of praise in your heart at all times or just when something good happens?

Take a moment now to think about the last week.  How have you praised God with your life?

Let’s pray.  Thank you for my life and those who I have crossed paths with.  I have so much to be thankful for.  I pray for those who do not know you and your love and mercy.  I pray that they will come to a place of calling on you from where they are, that they will praise you and call you Lord.  I praise you for your goodness and your protection.  Guard me today and may every word and deed be to your glory.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.


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