Justice. This psalm begins with this word, and I find it truly sums up the heart of this psalm. This theme resonates greatly in society today in ways we might never have expected. Everyone wants justice or maybe just acceptance. Having worked in the legal field most of my working career, the term “justice” takes on another meaning for me, entirely. You can imagine the things I’ve seen over the years, the unfairness, big business eating up the little guy. But the psalm today focuses on the evil of their day.
Here the psalmist s super serious about justice and you get the feeling he is trying or hoping to get even with his enemy or those he perceives are against him. These enemies “spit venom”. I think we are seeing the first bullies. Bullying today has truly gotten out of hand, and while we are trying to get it under control in our schools, our workplaces, etc., the problem appears to have Biblical roots!
No human is perfect, and therefore perfect justice will never be found on earth. We know, or should know, that God is the perfect judge, and he will judge us fairly when our turn is at hand. We should be asking ourselves at least daily, “God, was my behavior, were my thoughts, pleasing to you today? How can I be better and become more like you?” Have you ever asked such a question. If not, take a moment now to do so. What do you think our world would look like if everyone had a mindset like this and asked God these questions everyday?
Let’s pray. Lord, help me today to reflect you in all I say and do. Bless those I encounter, and use me to give them reassurance where there is doubt, confidence where there is weakness, joy where there is sadness, and love where there is none. Thank you in advance for each opportunity. In Jesus’ name. Amen.