Matthew 9:14-17 – New Wine

Read Matthew 9:14-17

We’ve heard about fasting before. It’s a spiritual discipline that Jesus talked about here. We may also know that fasting is a natural expression of sorrow. Jesus was confronted with a very interesting question. Why didn’t his disciples fast?

Jesus used three examples to help explain. What do they all have in common? It’s important to look at the “appropriateness” of the ritual given the situation. Jesus first uses the bridegroom example. You aren’t very well going to fast during your party as newlyweds. Hopefully, this is not a sad or somber occasion. It is a time of rejoicing for the whole wedding party. Jesus is our bridegroom and the church is his bride. That imagery is used elsewhere in the Bible.

Likewise, we have a new material patching old material. If you have never sewed a patch on a tattered cloth before, this example may not make sense. New cloth if not properly prepared will actually make the hole worse. At first, it may look just fine, but the first time it is washed, the new cloth will shrink a bit causing it to pull away from the old cloth and the repair is ruined.

The other example, with new wine, is one I haven’t tried. It makes sense with the fermenting process. But Jesus’ teaching was deeper than cloth or wineskins. Jesus is the embodiment of new. The bridge between the Old and New Testament, the old and new covenant. He didn’t come to just put a patch on what was wrong, he was the new solution.

There would be plenty of time for his disciples to fast once Jesus was no longer with them. For now, it was time to rejoice and grow. They would experience teaching that would rock their world. Jesus was pouring his new truths into them to prepare them for what they would be called to do.

We have the honor and privilege to have access to Jesus’ teaching. We can be made new when we spend time with Jesus and his word. If Jesus is the new wine, we need to be ready to receive him. What is old within us will be renewed by the Spirit.

Are you open to be updated and renewed? Are you ready for Jesus to revitalize you and prepare you for service? We need to realize that being followers of Jesus is not just one dimensional. We will have times of joyful rejoicing and times of reflection, repentance, and fasting. Jesus wants us to be open to him and the new covenant he inaugurated when he came. We can let go of the rigid traditions that have kept us separated from Jesus’ love. He is coming again and we need to be ready.

Let’s pray. Lord, I do want to be ready for your return. Help me to let go of old, outdated traditions that are no longer serving me or growing me closer to you. Open up new opportunities to grow closer to you. May my words and deeds point to you and your salvation. Stir in the hearts of those I encounter to be ready to meet you and follow you. Create in me a clean heart, oh God, and renew my spirit to be fresh and new. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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