The glory of the Lord. We’ve heard that word, “glory” before, have we not? What exactly does it mean? To me, it’s the beauty of God, his majesty. It’s the glowing, brilliant light that emanates from the Father. The radiant light of God’s being that warms, encourages, and protects us, while revealing our own weakness and need for a relationship with him. I’d love to hear what you think in the comments.
In today’s reading, we hear Moses asking to see God’s glorious presence. It was as if he needed some “proof” that God would do what he said and go with them to the Promised Land. After all that Moses had experienced in God’s presence, it seems hard to fathom he would have to ask God to show himself.
I realize we often ask God for proof or try to reason and bargain with God. We may not have had the same mountaintop type experiences Moses did, but we have the promises of God’s Word. He will never leave us or forsake us. Yet, we still ask. We, too, long to see the glory of God in our own life.
Our wayward hearts are often misguided by the messages of the world. We are surrounded by disgruntled people, much like Moses was. It can be hard to stay true to our faith when we are pulled in so many different directions. How do you stay connected? What types of activities do you engage in (or avoid) to keep your relationship with God healthy and strong?
Take some time today to consider your relationship with God. What are you searching for? What are you standing against? Remember God is for you and not against you. (Deuteronomy 31:8)
Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you that you stand before me to lead the way. I am like Moses at times and want to “know your ways so I may understand you more fully.” If I know you more, I’ll be able to please you more. I know there is nothing I can do to make you love me more than you already do, but I still want to please you. Use me this day to bring peace and comfort to someone who needs a word from you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.