Psalm 43 – Our Hope

Read Psalm 43

Hope.  We all need it.  Our hope is in the Lord.  Say that putting emphasis on a different word each time you say it.  Powerful.  I bring this truth to the table from hearing it over and over again in Scripture and praise songs.  “My hope is in you, Lord, in you, it’s in you!”  Here in this passage, the psalmist is feeling overwhelmed by enemy oppression. He looks to God, as should we, as a “safe haven”, a “source of all joy”, “my Savior, my God”.  Did you notice the last few verses of today’s psalm are the same as yesterdays (Psalm 42)?

Action words, such as “defend”, “rescue”, “send light”, “send truth”, “guide”, “lead me” are all over the place in this short psalm.  When trouble comes, we need to rely on and trust the truth, Jesus.  When times are great, we need to rely on and trust Jesus.  The light (God’s word, like a lamp unto my feet) will show us the way.

Do you ever wonder why doesn’t everybody hunger for the light and truth? I think they do but don’t know it.  They have an empty space they are trying to fill with something, so many other things, the wrong things.  I’m sure we are all guilty of this, looking for happiness, fulfillment, peace, hope, all in places that will not satisfy for long.  God made us this way so that we would search for him.  Yet, we often get lost.  We don’t trust the real truth and can fall victim to the darkness and not the light.  Why do we seem to crave darkness when the light is so rich, fulfilling, life-changing, freeing, miraculous and beautiful?

Satan is very crafty and good what he does.  He gets into our heads and fills us with lies.  We are innocent to a point.  God has given us the gift of life, a life to live where choices are ours.  Unfortunately, bad choices happen as we fall prey to Satan.   We must stay strong and true, focused on our Maker and Savior.  We must allow God’s spirit within us to fight the battle and help us prevail over evil for there is where our hope is found.

Enjoy this song from Aaron Shust about hope.  Click here.

How can you shine in your circle of influence today to reveal the truth of Jesus so that others around you, lost in darkness, can see the light?   Ask God to show you these opportunities.

Let’s pray.  Lord, forgive me for my weakness and propensity to seek pleasure apart from your truth and light.  Help me discern these times and send rescue.  Thank you for the hope we have in you, knowing that you are there, ready and able.  Make me a light today to shine with you love. In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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