When things are going great in our lives, it’s easy to sing praises to the Lord. It’s when things are not going well that people tend to fall away and think that God has abandoned them. This is such a great song of praise. Moses and the people had just experienced something so powerful it would make the history books for sure. God’s word, even better!
Overcome with emotion and overflowing with gratitude the people sang. What a beautiful song and tribute to God these verses are. As I understand it, music was an important part of Israel’s worship and celebration. It only makes sense that the people would break out in song to give praise to God for his victory over the Egyptians. Never once do they take any credit for the majesty of God.
I’m not sure that we are always so grateful. Unfortunately, I think we also try to take credit for God’s handiwork at times as well. God has gifted us each with special gifts to help further his kingdom. The ultimate thanks should go to God for how he has empowered us. Instead, God loves to hear our words of affirmation.
We can see a great example to follow in this song of praise. How did they see God? They hailed him for his mighty triumph, they recognized God as their strength, he is a warrior, with a right hand glorious in power, his breath alone was enough to defeat the enemy, he is awesome in splendor, his unfailing love will lead and guide, he is holy, he will evoke fear in the enemy and overcome them. The Lord will reign forever and ever! The Israelites were certainly fans of their God that day.
Even Miriam, Aaron’s sister (which makes her Moses’ sister, too) was apparently a musical prophet and she led the women in rhythm and dance. It must have been quite a spectacle. The Lord was blessed indeed.
When is the last time you sang a song of praise to God, other than on Sunday morning at church? I know for me, it’s a common thing for me to pull out some praise music and sit at the piano singing. I could get lost for hours doing that. In those times, it’s like the world stops and it is just God and me having time together.
Whether things are going well for you right now, or whether you are walking through your own time of bondage, may today’s reading be a reminder that God wants to hear from us. We don’t need to praise him for our troubles but praise him that he is walking with us through them.

Let’s pray. Lord, I am overcome with gratitude for how you are working in my life. May I never forget to give you credit for all the blessings you show me every day. Each breath I take is a gift from you, and I thank you. Use me to be an encouragement to others I meet in person and online. Place me where I need to be your servant. In Jesus’ name. Amen.