Romans 2:1-16 – Who’s the Judge?

Read Romans 2:1-16

We all have, from time to time, wanted to be the judge. I don’t think anyone I know can say that they didn’t give a disapproving look a time or two, or avoid a certain person because of “their” sin. We need to remember our role, and it’s NOT to judge others.

This was a great passage to convict us of that very truth. If we only look in the mirror, we soon see our own imperfections and weaknesses. I don’t want to condemn myself for judging someone else’s issues. What’s the point? We know who is in charge and who will be the final judge. Why do we think we should even open our mouth? 

We need to be more focused on our own sin and how it is separating us from God. “Can’t you see that his [God’s] kindness is intended to turn you from your sin?” Think about that for just a moment. God is kind to us so that we repent and turn to him. I suppose it makes sense; if God wasn’t approachable, we would only fear him and not want a relationship with him.

We are all sinful and in need of forgiveness. We need to take a careful look at what we are doing and saying. If we are stubborn, we are storing up punishment. That doesn’t sound particularly appealing to me. “For merely listening to the law doesn’t make us right with God. It is obeying the law that makes us right in his sight.” Are you obedient or is calamity going to strike?

We can find favor in God’s eyes for doing good. The passage reads, “He will judge everyone according to what they have done. He will give eternal life to those who keep on doing good, seeking after the glory and honor and immortality that God offers.”  Nobody can escape God’s judgment. Knowing that, and knowing what we do, God will look at our actions.

So long as we are believing him and letting our lives be driven by faith, we will seek to please God. It is easy for us to do good. God doesn’t have favorites, so we can’t be overly good one day to make up for a naughty day. When we are truly seeking God, we are more concerned with doing the right thing in his eyes all the time. It is that faith that leads to the action that leads to eternal life.

What is the secret life that God will judge one day?

Let’s pray. Lord, forgive me when I look at others with judgmental eyes. They may be doing “wrong” but that is not my business. You are the judge. Help me to focus more on my own actions to make sure I am being obedient and true to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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