Romans 1:18-32 – Sin

Read Romans 1:18-32

It’s no surprise that God hates sin. Sin would be those acts, deeds, and thoughts that keep us separated from God. Satan will do anything to deceive us and make us believe we are not sinful. Remember Eve and the serpent? We need to be so sure of God and his desires for us that we can sniff out the evil one when we are weak and vulnerable.

Satan will take every opportunity to get in our heads and hearts to deceive. We may soon start to believe the lies that run so rampant in society today. The Bible is clear in its message. While it may have been written a long time ago, the truths are timeless. What was happening long ago still happens today. Satan is still alive and well.

So what do we do about sin? Can we be immune? I don’t think so. But we can arm ourselves with God’s protection and ask for discernment. We can focus on the words of Scripture and not listen to the messages of the world. We have to be sure we are worshiping the Creator and not his creation.

It’s frightening how many “new” religions and “spiritual” options there are these days. When we remember there is one truth, Jesus Christ, it’s easy to ignore the rest. However, Satan will do everything he can to make those other choices seem legitimate and sexy. People are drawn to things that will make them “feel good.”

As Christians, we shouldn’t necessarily expect to “feel good,” we should expect to feel empowered. We should feel filled to overflowing with grace and peace and love. That can feel really “good.” As followers, we are to be obedient to God. Our relationship with him is one of respect and love.

Have you ever thought it foolish to acknowledge God? Have you had dark periods of your life apart from God’s love? God allows us freedoms in life to choose how we want to live. If we stray apart from his will for us, it won’t be long and our lives will become full of “every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip.”

Satan is counting on it. He’s in the sin business and can’t wait to distort our vision and perception of reality. When we find ourselves weakened by the pressures or struggles of life, Satan is ready to pounce and make us “backstabbers, haters of God, insolent, proud, and boastful.”

The way sinfulness is described in the opening verses of Romans is quite vivid. We may or may not see ourselves and our own weaknesses displayed here. Nevertheless, sin is sin, and God hates it. What is even worse is when we encourage our friends to get into the muck of sin with us. We don’t want to be alone in our scheming. There is no safety in numbers when it comes to sinning.

So today, let’s arm ourselves and be prepared for Satan’s test. We know he’s going to come calling. We can just spit in his eye and tell him we belong to Jesus. Are you bold enough to do that?

Let’s pray. Lord, I ask you to give me the boldness and strength to stand up to the devil’s schemes. I know he is just waiting for me to be weak and vulnerable. The false messages he fills my head with keep me separated from you and unable to hear your voice. Let’s stand together today and every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

2 thoughts on “Romans 1:18-32 – Sin”

  1. Dana, thank you for your emails. They give me encouragement for each day…..sandi shepard, bethel luthern-parkersburg, ia

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