Romans 2:17-29 – Get a Grip

Read Romans 2:17-29

What do people think about God when they look at your life? Take a moment to ponder that for a moment. Whether we are Jew or Gentile, how we live matters to God.

Paul is rattling some cages here of his Jewish contemporaries. Paul, also a Jew, focuses on making sure these Jews in Rome did not think they had a “free pass” just because they were Jews. Jews were God’s chosen people, but that wasn’t enough.

One may have all the outward appearances going for them to show they are a Jew, i.e. circumcized, if male. But God looks at the heart. What he sees there makes a difference. Verse 29 says, “No, a true Jew is one whose heart is right with God. And true circumcision is not merely obeying the letter of the law; rather, it is a change of heart produced by the Spirit. And a person with a changed heart seeks praise[ from God, not from people.”

We all know people who put on an appearance of righteousness. Don’t we? Those of us who just finished the book of John recall how the religious leaders and Pharisees tried to act righteous and above the law. We don’t know what sort of punishment they received, but it’s a problem that didn’t go away.

We all know people who are disillusioned with the church these days. It’s a problem that has been around since the beginning of churches. What’s the problem? People make up the church. People are fickle. People are selfish. People sin. We need God to cleanse us and the community of a church to support us and keep us accountable to that cleansing. The problem is we don’t always follow through.

Our sinful nature takes over. We let the little voice in our head tell us it’s okay to skip church, or it’s okay, just this once, to fudge numbers on tax returns, eat way too much food, date the wrong people, etc. It’s not enough to know the law, we have to obey it, too.

I remember as a child, I was always so eager to please my parents and my teachers. I was obsessed with it. I always did my best in school and tended to be a very quiet child. I was the obedient one. There were many others in my class who were not the same. They didn’t seem to care if they got in trouble. They seemed content with a C on their paper. The people pleaser inside me couldn’t comprehend.

So, I understand what it means to “please.” What I’ve learned is that “who” I please should be God, not man. That was a mindset shift for me somewhere along the way. Not everyone is out to please others let alone God. It’s sad because there is such joy in living the kind of life that is pleasing to God.

I’ve always been curious about the Jewish culture. Afterall, Jesus was a Jew. From what I see in Scripture, they seem to feel privileged and set apart. They need to get a grip and stop taking for granted they are the “chosen” people. None of us should take for granted the unconditional love we have from the Father.

Take some time today to decide how you want people to see God through your actions.

Let’s pray. Lord, forgive me when I act selfish and forget who made me and all the beauty that surrounds me. Help me to remember I am your child. I want to be so filled with your spirit that your light shines through me. I never want to take you and your provision for granted. Thank you for all you have done for me. My heart is grateful. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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